GUP has been removed from project and should now be run as a standalone docker-compose project. GUP and GUP-Admin share the same network where needed.
Before you run docker-compose up -d check
- index-manager-db-initdb.d should contain a file called create.sql
- scopus-files/testdata should contain scopus files in (ex 85169648502-normalised.json)
cd docker ./ ./
Execute from gup docker-folder to get publications indexed in GUP-Admin
docker-compose exec gup-backend bash -c 'bundle exec rake gup_migrations:add_data_for_author_import && rake db:migrate' docker-compose exec gup-backend bash -c 'bundle exec rake gup_admin:index_all_publications LIMIT=1000 OFFSET=0'
- CD frontend
- yarn install
- yarn dev
- yarn run build (to test build outside docker)
- mix deps.get ---> install dependecies
- iex -S mix phx.server ----> start dev server
- CD docker/build
- ./
- cd ..
- ./ up