This is the code base for the University of Alberta Library's discovery platform. Based on Project Blacklight.
- Depends on Ruby 2.5.x
- Depends on Java (for SolrMarc and Ingestion scripts)
- Depends on xmllint (for SFX Ingestion scripts) which is available in
sudo apt install libxml2-utils
on Ubuntu. - Depends on an instance of Solr with this configuration
- If you wish to use docker for the datastores install docker and docker-compose first.
- clone this repository (
git clone
) - run
docker-compose -f docker-compose.lightweight.yml up -d
- run
bundle install
- run
bundle exec rake db:setup
bundle exec rake ingest[database_test_set] && bundle exec rake ingest[sfx_test_set] && bundle exec rake ingest[symphony_test_set]
(need Java Installed to run this) If you're looking to use a production like dataset or avoid the hassle of running docker and performing these ingest tasks,export SOLR_URL=
bundle exec rails s
- Point your browser to http://localhost:3000/catalog
Unit and Acceptance Tests
bundle install --without development production
RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake db:create
RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake db:migrate
bundle exec rake spec
Integration tests (run against
cpan WWW::Mechanize && cpan JSON && cpan HTML::TreeBuilder::XPath
to install perl dependencieswget -O /var/tmp/mobyDick.txt
your first visit to gutenberg might give you non utf-8 characters when it says, "hello stranger."cd test/grabBag
bundle exec rake assets:precompile
this can take several minutes- create cron jobs to ingest
bundle exec rake ingest[sfx]
,bundle exec rake ingest[databases]
,bundle exec rails g symphony_nightly && bundle exec rake db:migrate
and clean session tablebundle exec rake sessions:cleanup
Go here for information about accessing Discovery UAT instance.
The standard library cataloguing data format is MARC. MARC uses numeric fields to contain bibliographic information in the form of text strings that use a content standard to format the text and, perhaps more importantly, the punctuation. Each MARC field can be subdivided into alphabetical subfields which generally either a) containing repeated elements or b) subdivide the text string. MARC fields and subfields are often written out as e.g. 245$a which means field number 245 (= title), subfield a.
In SolrMarc, the library currently being used to index Blacklight data, the mapping of MARC fields occurs here with more sophisticated data manipulation using BeanShell happening in these scripts. Once the fields have been mapped, they can be designated for search and/or display in the appropriate Solr config file (either schema.xml or solrconfig.xml).
bundle exec rake ingest[collection]
where collection is mainly 'symphony', 'sfx', 'kule' or 'databases'. See config/ingest.yml
for other collections. Most collections are expected to be represented by a file in a ./data
By default the solr target (:url) is set from '#{Rails.env}' stanza in config/blacklight.yml. Alternately you can set the SOLR_INGEST_URL directly.
export SOLR_INGEST_URL=http://localhost:8983/solr/your-new-solr-collection
bundle exec rake ingest[collection]
unset SOLR_INGEST_URL # if desired
To populate the human readable strings for the 'Where is this?' table. Assuming ./data/data4discovery.txt
and ./data/Data4DiscoveryManual.txt
are present then you can invoke bundle exec rails g symphony_nightly && bundle exec rake db:migrate
to populate the tables with the latest configurations. If for some reason this doesn't go well, bundle exec rake db:rollback
and delete the migration at db/migrate/<todays date>_symphony_nightly_<todays date>.rb
will revert to a known good state.