Completely accessible and 508 compliant menubar extension for jQuery UI.
Coded up by Marvin Herbold
This jQuery UI menubar code just re-uses the current built-in jquery ui menu widget and tweaks it a little bit to add full menubar support - the tweaks done are as follows:
- Split position option into downPosition and rightPosition options
- Split submenu icon option into submenuDown and submenuRight icon options
- Split role option into role (default=menubar) and submenuRole (default=menu) options
- Switch around right/left/up/down keyboard mapping for top level menu items
- Only "-" will be converted to dividers - not spaces
That's it! All jQuery UI menu options and callbacks are supported.
The native jQuery menu widget has a few issues with the coloring of icons and anchors. This project includes a fix for the coloring of anchors, but I am still working on a fix for the coloring of icons in submenus.
$( selector ).menubar();
The options are nearly identical to the jQuery menu widget and in fact many get passed directly to the jQuery menu widget.
options: {
icons: {
submenuDown: "ui-icon-carat-1-s",
submenuRight: "ui-icon-carat-1-e"
items: "> *",
menus: "ul",
downPosition: {
my: "left top",
at: "left bottom"
rightPosition: {
my: "left top",
at: "right top"
role: "menubar",
submenuRole: "menu",
// callbacks
blur: null,
focus: null,
select: null