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Posting data with chunked transfer encoding causes request to be abruptly closed #669

kartikk221 opened this issue Dec 19, 2021 · 9 comments


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Hello, I was in the process of implementing file uploading/body streaming into and ran into an issue when attempting to stream file data using chunked encoding transfer. From messing with various different scenarios it seems uWebsockets.js instantly closes a request connection if it detects some body data is being sent with a request that has no content-length header. I have provided some context below for the implementation/test case in which bug occurs:

Implementation (/src/components/http/Request.js):

 * Initializes a readable stream which consumes body data from uWS.Response.onData() handler.
 * Note! This stream will automatically handle backpressure by pausing/resuming the response data flow.
 * @private
 * @param {stream.ReadableOptions} options
_start_streaming(options) {
    // Throw an error if we try to streaming when one is already in process
    if (this.#body_stream)
        throw new Error(
            'HyperExpress.Request._start_streaming() -> This method has been called more than once which should not occur.'

    // Create a readable stream which pipes data from the uWS.Response.onData() handler
    const readable = new stream.Readable(options);

    // Bind a _read() handler to the readable to resume the uWS request
    readable._read = () => this.resume();

    // Bind a uWS.Response.onData() handler which will handle incoming chunks and pipe them to the readable stream
    const reference = this;
    this.#raw_response.onData((array_buffer, is_last) => {
        // Do not process chunk if we can no longer pipe it to the readable stream
        if (reference.#body_stream === null) return;

        // Convert the ArrayBuffer to a Buffer reference
        // Provide raw chunks if specified and we have something consuming stream already
        // This will prevent unneccessary duplication of buffers
        let buffer;
        if (reference.#stream_raw_chunks && readable.listenerCount('data') > 0) {
            // Store a direct Buffer reference as this will be immediately consumed
            buffer = Buffer.from(array_buffer);
            console.log('Raw Chunk ->', buffer.length);
        } else {
            // Store a copy of the array_buffer as we have no immediate consumer yet
            // If we do not copy, this chunk will be lost in stream queue as it will be deallocated by uWebsockets
            buffer = Buffer.concat([Buffer.from(array_buffer)]);
            console.log('Copied Chunk ->', buffer.length);

        // Push the incoming chunk into readable stream for consumption
        // Pause the uWS request if our stream is backed up
        if (!readable.push(buffer)) reference.pause();

        // Push a null chunk signaling an EOF to the stream to end it if this chunk is last
        if (is_last) {
            console.log('EOF Chunk ->');

    // Store the readable stream locally for consumption
    this.#body_stream = readable;

Test Case:

const path = require('path');
const crypto = require('crypto');
const fs = require('fs');
const { assert_log } = require('../../../scripts/operators.js');
const { HyperExpress, fetch, server } = require('../../../configuration.js');
const router = new HyperExpress.Router();
const endpoint = '/tests/request';
const scenario_endpoint = '/stream-pipe';
const endpoint_url = server.base + endpoint + scenario_endpoint;
const test_file_path = path.resolve(path.join(__dirname, '../../../content/large-image.jpg'));
const test_file_stats = fs.statSync(test_file_path);

function get_file_write_path(file_name) {
    return path.resolve(path.join(__dirname, '../../../content/written/' + file_name));

// Create Backend HTTP Route, async (request, response) => {
    // Create a writable stream to specified file name path
    const file_name = request.headers['x-file-name'];
    const path = get_file_write_path(file_name);
    const writable = fs.createWriteStream(path);

    // Pipe the readable body stream to the writable and wait for it to finish;
    await new Promise((resolve) => writable.once('finish', resolve));

    // Read the written file's buffer and calculate its md5 hash
    const written_buffer = fs.readFileSync(path);
    const written_hash = crypto.createHash('md5').update(written_buffer).digest('hex');

    // Cleanup the written file for future testing

    // Return the written hash to be validated on client side
    return response.json({
        hash: written_hash,

// Bind router to webserver
const { TEST_SERVER } = require('../../Server.js');
TEST_SERVER.use(endpoint, router);

async function test_request_stream_pipe() {
    const group = 'REQUEST';
    const candidate = '';

    // Send a buffer of the file in the request body so we have a content-length on server side
    const expected_buffer = fs.readFileSync(test_file_path);
    const expected_hash = crypto.createHash('md5').update(expected_buffer).digest('hex');
    const buffer_upload_response = await fetch(endpoint_url, {
        method: 'POST',
        headers: {
            'x-file-name': 'request_upload_buffer.jpg',
        body: expected_buffer,

    // Validate the hash uploaded on the server side with the expected hash from client side
    const buffer_upload_body = await buffer_upload_response.json();
        `${candidate} Piped Upload With Content Length - ${expected_hash} === ${buffer_upload_body.hash} - ${test_file_stats.size} bytes`,
        () => expected_hash === buffer_upload_body.hash

    // Stream the file to send using chunked transfer encoding without a content-length
    const chunked_upload_response = await fetch(endpoint_url, {
        method: 'POST',
        headers: {
            'x-file-name': 'request_upload_transfer.jpg',
        body: fs.createReadStream(test_file_path),

    // Validate the hash uploaded on the server side with the expected hash from client side
    const chunked_upload_body = await chunked_upload_response.json();
        `${candidate} Piped Upload With Chunked Encoding Transfer - ${expected_hash} === ${chunked_upload_body.hash} - ${test_file_stats.size} bytes`,
        () => expected_hash === chunked_upload_body.hash

module.exports = {

In the test case above, the buffer_upload_response fetch tests the streaming by sending a Buffer of the test file which works as expected since a content-length header is sent along with the fetch request. But the chunked_upload_response fetch request throws an FetchError: request to failed, reason: write ECONNRESET error signifying that the server abruptly closed the connection even though the server does not crash. I have provided the console logs below so you can get more context for request headers and body chunks being received on the server side in both fetch requests.


[12/19/2021 12:51:06:379ms PM][TESTING] Successfully Started HyperExpress HTTP Server @
[12/19/2021 12:51:06:492ms PM][REQUEST] Testing HyperExpress.Request Object...
[12/19/2021 12:51:06:494ms PM][REQUEST] Generating A Large 10,485,760 Characters Size Body To Simulate Too-Large Large Payload...
Raw Chunk -> 31
EOF Chunk ->
[12/19/2021 12:51:06:540ms PM][REQUEST] Verified Too Large Body 413 HTTP Code Reject
Raw Chunk -> 65086
Raw Chunk -> 65536
Raw Chunk -> 131072
Raw Chunk -> 262144
Raw Chunk -> 524288
Raw Chunk -> 458793
Raw Chunk -> 524288
Raw Chunk -> 524288
Raw Chunk -> 64798
Raw Chunk -> 524288
Raw Chunk -> 523490
Raw Chunk -> 524288
Raw Chunk -> 524288
Raw Chunk -> 524288
Raw Chunk -> 1962
EOF Chunk ->
[12/19/2021 12:51:06:950ms PM][REQUEST] Verified Middleware Execution & Timing Test
[12/19/2021 12:51:06:951ms PM][REQUEST] Verified Middleware Property Binding Test
[12/19/2021 12:51:06:951ms PM][REQUEST] Verified Route Specific Middleware Avoidance Test
[12/19/2021 12:51:07:208ms PM][REQUEST] Verified Route Specific Middleware Binding & Property Test
[12/19/2021 12:51:07:210ms PM][REQUEST] Verified HyperExpress.Request Middleware Double Iteration Violation
[12/19/2021 12:51:07:211ms PM][REQUEST] Verified HyperExpress.Request Middleware Thrown Iteration Error Handler
[12/19/2021 12:51:07:212ms PM][REQUEST] Verified HyperExpress.Request.method
[12/19/2021 12:51:07:212ms PM][REQUEST] Verified HyperExpress.Request.url
[12/19/2021 12:51:07:212ms PM][REQUEST] Verified HyperExpress.Request.path
[12/19/2021 12:51:07:212ms PM][REQUEST] Verified HyperExpress.Request.query
[12/19/2021 12:51:07:212ms PM][REQUEST] Verified HyperExpress.Request.ip
[12/19/2021 12:51:07:213ms PM][REQUEST] Verified HyperExpress.Request.proxy_ip
[12/19/2021 12:51:07:213ms PM][REQUEST] Verified HyperExpress.Request.headers["x-test-value", "cookie", "content-length"]
[12/19/2021 12:51:07:213ms PM][REQUEST] Verified HyperExpress.Request.query_parameters
[12/19/2021 12:51:07:213ms PM][REQUEST] Verified HyperExpress.Request.path_parameters
[12/19/2021 12:51:07:213ms PM][REQUEST] Verified HyperExpress.Request.cookies
[12/19/2021 12:51:07:213ms PM][REQUEST] Verified HyperExpress.Request.body
  'x-file-name': 'request_upload_buffer.jpg',
  accept: '*/*',
  'content-length': '879067',
  'user-agent': 'node-fetch/1.0 (+',
  'accept-encoding': 'gzip,deflate',
  connection: 'close',
  host: ''
Copied Chunk -> 65234
Copied Chunk -> 524288
Paused Request!
Resumed Request!
Copied Chunk -> 289545
Paused Request!
EOF Chunk ->
Resumed Request!
[12/19/2021 12:51:07:222ms PM][REQUEST] Verified Piped Upload With Content Length - b65f7a483ee36dacdf5a8896b19937f8 === b65f7a483ee36dacdf5a8896b19937f8 - 879067 bytes
  'x-file-name': 'request_upload_transfer.jpg',
  accept: '*/*',
  'user-agent': 'node-fetch/1.0 (+',
  'accept-encoding': 'gzip,deflate',
  connection: 'close',
  host: '',
  'transfer-encoding': 'chunked'
Copied Chunk -> 0
EOF Chunk ->
FetchError: request to failed, reason: write ECONNRESET
    at ClientRequest.<anonymous> (F:\NPM Packages\hyper-express\tests\node_modules\node-fetch\lib\index.js:1483:11)
    at ClientRequest.emit (node:events:406:35)
    at Socket.socketErrorListener (node:_http_client:447:9)
    at Socket.emit (node:events:394:28)
    at emitErrorNT (node:internal/streams/destroy:157:8)
    at emitErrorCloseNT (node:internal/streams/destroy:122:3)
    at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:83:21) {
  type: 'system',
  errno: 'ECONNRESET',
  code: 'ECONNRESET'
@kartikk221 kartikk221 changed the title Posting data with chunked transfer encoding causes request to be abruptly aborted Posting data with chunked transfer encoding causes request to be abruptly closed Dec 19, 2021
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This is all on local testing the request goes straight from node-fetch to the uWS/HyperExpress webserver so no proxies involved. I don't think the content-length header is provided by applications when using transfer-encoding: chunked. I just tried running the above test by explicitly specifying content-length to 0 and the same problem occured. From what I can tell, this issue may be caused due to uWebsockets.js protection against more data being received than specified in the content-length. I noticed this behavior when I was implementing a maximum body length parameter into HyperExpress and had a test case where I purposely specified an inaccurate content-length which was lower than the length of the data I was actually sending and uWebsockets.js instantly closed the connection when it detected the overflow.

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e3dio commented Dec 19, 2021

Ah there is open issue uNetworking/uWebSockets#881

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I see, that makes sense. Seems like it's low priority at the moment. I guess I'll wait on Alex's response to see whether I should push out the file uploading without support for chunked transfer or wait if he plans on adding this functionality soon.

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e3dio commented Dec 19, 2021

More info on transfer-encoding chunked:

While transfer-encoding chunked is defined for both response and request in the HTTP/1.1 standard (but not in HTTP/1.0) it is typically only used for responses. It is not universally supported for requests.

HTTP chunked transfer encoding is only useful when you DON'T know the size of the stream you are going to be sending in advance, and for these cases WebSockets are a more widely deployed solution that solve the same problem

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Ohh I didn't even know that, in that case I can see why this is low priority.

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ghost commented Dec 20, 2021

Yeah it doesn't implement the full HTTP1.1, for instance it does not support (async?) pipelining and chunked uploads. Only WebSockets are fully standards compliant. HTTP1.1 is a crappy standard but most companies have a nice proxy for HTTP2 or even HTTP3 so it doesn't matter as long as the basics of HTTP1.1 is there.

uws is getting HTTP3 soonish so at that point things will be better for those not using a proxy because HTTP1.1 is really terrible.

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I see, I implemented file uploads with multipart forms using busboy parser and it seems browsers provide a content-length header so should be no problem there.

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e3dio commented Feb 20, 2022

I tested transfer-encoding: chunked request with Node v17.5 which now includes fetch using fetch(url, {body: createReadStream()}) and uWS.js accepts the request, it emits onData event with empty buffer. You can check for no content-length header before adding onData callback and respond with status code 411 Length Required to handle those requests

darrachequesne pushed a commit to socketio/ that referenced this issue Feb 22, 2022
On Safari, a POST request would result in two chunks (the first being
empty), and threw the following error:

> node:buffer:254
>   TypedArrayPrototypeSet(target, source, targetStart);
>   ^
> TypeError: Cannot perform %TypedArray%.prototype.set on a detached ArrayBuffer
>     at Buffer.set (<anonymous>)
>     at _copyActual (node:buffer:254:3)
>     at Function.concat (node:buffer:562:12)
>     at onEnd (xxx/node_modules/
>     at xxx/node_modules/

Which is a bit weird, because it seems µWebSockets.js does not support
chunked content: uNetworking/uWebSockets.js#669
@ghost ghost added the FAQ label Apr 20, 2022
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This is fixed in main repo. Will be released here as well.

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