- Belfast, Northern Ireland
- https://www.earth.li/~noodles/blog/
- https://social.earth.li/noodles
TPM GPIO fail detection utility and proof of concept exploit
fifteenhex / xradio
Forked from Icenowy/xradioPort Allwinner xradio driver to mainline Linux.
PAM authentication based on SSH authentication information
Raspberry Pi and Programming EEPROMs on SFP/SFP+ modules
Rust native library for TPM 2.0 operations. Heavily work in progress.
Eclipse based IDE for RISC-V embedded software development
Programmer for the Lattice ECP5 series, making use of FTDI based adaptors
Converged Security Suite for Intel & AMD platform security features
GCC toolchain for esp8266/arduino on MacOS, Linux, ARM64, Raspberry Pi, and Windows
Golang bindings for Mozilla's DeepSpeech speech-to-text library
The NI Tech Community is a gathering of people working in the tech and design fields with an association to Northern Ireland.