Sample factory is a code generator helping by writing tests.
It allows to create data class instances filled with random data.
Let's assume we have data class Car
in the project.
data class Car(
val brand: String,
val model: String,
val vin: VIN,
val price: MonetaryAmount,
val weight: Double,
val productionDate: Instant
And we need an instance in the unit test case. First we create an interface for our factory. @Fixture annotation makes the magic.
interface Fixtures {
fun sampleCar(): Car
Then, in the test class ...
fun `should drive a car` () {
val factory = getFixtureFactory<Fixtures>()
val car = factory.sampleCar()
And a Car instance looks like this:
Car(brand=JCEVoI8CTe, model=y6XSn20rih, vin=VIN(vin=8KNU1xyhqc), price=PLN 0.42, weight=51.495863092903974, productionDate=2023-03-14T20:21:59.179562100Z)
If you need more control over some properties, factory methods should define params with default values.
interface Fixtures {
fun sampleCar(weight:Double = 3.0, brand:String = "BMW"): Car
And all instances have fixed brand
and weight
Car(brand=BMW, model=tTymibpcnC, vin=VIN(vin=E7XK8pbRwR), price=PLN 94.68, weight=3.0, productionDate=2023-03-14T20:33:56.981470400Z)