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Things to check for setup errors:

  • remember to run source everytime you log in to a new shell.
  • unset any CMSSW environmental variable and start from a clean shell before can properly install delphes.
  • This repo only runs on CentOS7 due to gcc compatibility for delphes.


This repository provides pre-written functions that aims to modularize the analysis process and allow easy customization of the analysis workflow.

Functions are grouped into python files under the lib folder.

  • The helper functions including calculation of variables such as acoplanarity, selection of particle subsets of size n from all N candidates, and string parsing. It also includes dictionaries for generation level information for the delphes files, and other physical constants.
  • Functions used to extract the information of interest from delphes files and write them into ntuple files. This include loading the delphes data, creating and opening the ntuple trees for writing, and functions to make selections on final state particles.

Writing Scripts

We use the event loop model, where we look at all information from one event at once before moving to the next event (row by row). The scripts call functions from the lib files, and by putting in customary parameters into those function, one can quickly implement analysis procedures for different physics purposes.

Any script should contain the following elements:

  • Import files under lib. e.g. from ntuplizer import *
  • Call load_delphes_lib() to access the delphes-formatted data.
  • Customary variables like delphes filename and particles/variables of interest.
  • An event loop to go through all the events within a delphes file.

Other optional components include:

  • Pre-select particle candidates to be written into the ntuple tree, by calling the selection functions under lib/ with customary parameters.
  • Efficiency counters for those selection functions.


scripts/ performs event cuts and produces the recoil mass root files under combine/. It also sets the binning for combine fits. The binning can either be set manually or automatically by pre-set statistical constraint.

To use combine, first source combine/ to install combine. Then,

  • source combine/ or source combine/ to run the datacards for all recoil mass rootfiles generated with manual/auto binning to get the fit results for signal sensitivity.
  • python combine/ to plot the sensitivity vs. recoil mass.

Below are more detailed documentation. Read until this point to learn the basic use of the code.


As arguments in selection functions

We require that each selection and cut function takes only one variable at a time. That variable could be either contained in the delphes sample already, or to be calculated in the fly. No matter what the case is, we always, at the end, single out one variable for selection.

variable case

We use snake-case for all particle variables in our code. In order to access variable data in delphes, we have to convert variables in our case to the delphes format.

variable calculation

To calculate the variables on demand, we call the calculation functions in lib/ The functions are called by the dictionary calc_var_func_call where it links the variable name to its calculation function. Arguments of the functions are linked to the variable name in another dict calc_var_func_args.

Variable options

  • delphes
    • "pt"
    • "eta"
    • "phi"
    • "charge"
    • "energy"
  • calculated
    • "theta"
    • "phi_a"
    • "alpha"
    • "cos_theta"
    • "m_inv"
    • "m_rec"
    • "cos_theta_p_missing"

Particle Candidates

Particles within a delphes event are stored as TTree objects, each containing one particle type. Within each particle tree, individual particles are arranged in a sequential order. We assign to each individual particle an index counting from zero, based on the order it's stored in the delphes file. For calculation of certain variables, a group of N particles might be needed. We call this group of N particle a "candidate". Note that the N particles do not need to be of the same type.

To access the particle candidates, we use ptcl_cand dictionaries of the form: OrderedDict([('particle_type_1',[indices1]), ('particle_type_2',[indices2])]). Note that we use the ordered dictionary for reasons that will become clear later. For convenience, when multiple candidate groups are all of the same particle type, we will put them together in a dictionary of the form: {'particle":[ [idx1], [idx2], ...]}. When calculating for variables, we then dissemble it into dictionaries with values containing only one list of indices.

We usually pass a group of N particle for calculation of multiple variables at once, as it fits the data format to be written to the ntuple trees, which are rectangular arrays of floats. One issue with this approach is that different variables takes in differnt number of particles to calculate. For example, it takes two particles to calculate the invariant mass on the lepton pair, while it only takes one to calculate the forward angle theta from the pseudorapidity eta. Also, like in this example, we want to calculate theta twice, for each particle. For this reason, when the number of particles it takes to calculate a variable (n) differs from the number of particles in the candidate group passed in (N). We do the following:

  • If (N mod n) == 0, we divide the N particles into groups of size n. And for each group, we calculate the variable
  • If (N mod n) == r != 0 and N > n, we ignore the last r particles, can do the same thing as above for the N-r particles.
  • If N < n, we return an error message. Note that since both the division of the groups and the discard of the remaining particles depend on the order of the dictionary passed in, we have to use OrderedDict, as said before.

Particle vs. Event Variables

We divide delphes variables into particle and event variables. Particle variables are stored under the tree of the particle name, while event variables are generally stored in a separate tree that are not associated with any one type of particles.

We can derive variables based on both particle and event variables in delphes. We call the functions calc_ptcl_var_by_idx() and calc_evt_var() to calculate variables based on particle and event variables. The functions to get the value of these variables are get_ptcl_var_by_idx() and get_delphes_evt_var()

2D array for multiple variables over multiple particle candidates

The four functions:

  • get_ptcl_var_by_idx()
  • get_delphes_evt_var()
  • calc_ptcl_var_by_idx()
  • calc_evt_var() all return 2D numpy arrays for multiple variables over multiple particles. The rows are for variables, and the columns are for particle candidates. The reason for writing the data in this way is because in calc_ptcl_var_by_idx(), we get different number of variable values for the same number of input particle candidates. Therefore, it is more convenient to group values of one variable into a 1D array, and group all such 1D arrays into a 2D array. And for consistency, we keep the output the same format over all four functions.

When writing to the ntuple tree, however, we'd require each row to represent all variables of one particle candidate, and we need a rectangular array. For this reason, we call the rectangularize_jagged_array_T() to rectangularize and transpose the fucntion returns. This data is then ready to me written to the ntuple file.


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