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feat: add workflow that builds Docker and push to ECR without using artifacts #98

feat: add workflow that builds Docker and push to ECR without using artifacts

feat: add workflow that builds Docker and push to ECR without using artifacts #98

# TODO: Setup access to dai sanbox account
name: Test Reusable Workflows
- main
# Enable once we have access to dai sandbox account
# test_terraform_deploy_basic:
# uses: ./.github/workflows/tf-deploy-basic.yaml
# with:
# github_artifact_path: path/to/artifacts
# aws_account_id: 123456789012
# aws_region: us-east-1
# aws_role_name: cicd-iac
# environment: sandbox
# tf_deploy_override: true
# tf_dir: tests/terraform
# tf_feedback: true
# tf_state_bucket: my-tf-state-bucket
# tf_state_key: my/tf/state
# tf_var_file: true
# tf_vars: var1=value1,var2=value2
# tf_version: 1.5.6
uses: ./.github/workflows/docker-build.yaml
image_name: test-docker-build
docker_context: tests/docker
artifact_retention_days: 1
# Enable once we have access to dai sandbox account
# test_docker_push_ecr:
# uses: ./.github/workflows/docker-push-ecr.yaml
# with:
# aws_account_id: 123456789012
# aws_region: us-east-1
# aws_role_name: cicd-iac
# image_name: test-docker-build
# image_tag: ${{ github.ref_head }}