LeetCode use Python 📝
分享 LeetCode 上練習的題目,在這裡把解出來的題目和大家做分享並且記錄一下,
001-Two Sum - youtube tutorial 001 Two Sum
007-Reverse Integer - youtube tutorial 007 Reverse Integer
009-Palindrome Number - youtube tutorial 009 Palindrome Number
013-Roman to Integer - youtube tutorial 013 Roman to Integer
014-Longest Common Prefix - youtube tutorial 014 Longest Common Prefix
020-Valid Parentheses - youtube tutorial 020 Valid Parentheses
021-Merge Two Sorted Lists - youtube tutorial 待新增021 Merge Two Sorted Lists - explanation
026-Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array - youtube tutorial 待新增026 Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array - explanation
027-Remove Element - youtube tutorial 待新增027Remove Element - explanation
028-Implement strStr() - youtube tutorial 待新增028Implement strStr()
035-Search Insert Position - youtube tutorial 待新增035Search Insert Position
038-Count and Say - youtube tutorial 待新增038Count and Say
053-Maximum Subarray - youtube tutorial 待新增053Maximum Subarray
058-Length of Last Word - youtube tutorial 待新增058Length of Last Word
066-Plus One - youtube tutorial 待新增066Plus One
067-Add Binary - youtube tutorial 待新增067Add Binary
069-Sqrt(x) - youtube tutorial 待新增069Sqrt(x)
070-Climbing Stairs - youtube tutorial 待新增070Climbing Stairs
080-Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array II - youtube tutorial 待新增
- Python 3.6.6
MIT license