Ixchel is a genome-graph based tool intended to aid in the conversion of annotations in graph-coordinates to linear coordinates. It is early in development and currently only has functionality designed for surjecting annotations (.graph.methyl) data for CpG sites. Currently, it only works with CpG sites, but the goal is to expand it to other types of annotations. Given the tremendous size of genomes, the steps will likely need to be run individually on a cluster.
flowchart TB
Genomegraph["Genome-graph (.GFA)"] --> IxchelPrep["1) Ixchel prepareGraphFiles"]
IxchelPrep --> GraphFiles["Pre-computed conversion files"]
GraphFiles --> IxchelSurject["2) Ixchel convertGraphMethylToMethylC"]
Annotations["Annotations (.graph.methyl)"] --> IxchelSurject
IxchelSurject --> SurjectedAnnotations["Surjected annotations (.methylC)"]
SurjectedAnnotations --> IxchelInterpretCodes["3) Ixchel convertConversionCodes"]
IxchelInterpretCodes --> ExpandedCodes["Expanded conversion codes"]
classDef default fill:#fff,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px,color:black;
Ixchel requires a genome graph in GFA format. It was designed to work with graphs produced by minigraph-cactus and is compatible with the human pangenomes available here. It is run in two steps:
- Prepare the graph files
- Convert the graph.methyl annotations to methylC format
cd /scratch/hllab/Juan/Ixchel_Dev_Tests/VGPlayGround
srun --mem=8000 --cpus-per-task=1 -J interactive -p interactive --pty /bin/bash -l
eval $( spack load --sh [email protected] )
eval $( spack load --sh py-numpy/i7mcgz4 )
eval $( spack load --sh [email protected] )
eval $( spack load --sh [email protected] )
python3 /scratch/hllab/Juan/Ixchel/SourceCode/Ixchel.py prepareGraphFiles TestGraph.gfa
python3 /scratch/hllab/Juan/Ixchel/SourceCode/Ixchel.py convertGraphMethylToMethylC Example.CG.graph.methyl Annotations.Segments.TestGraph.gfa.pkl
Ixchel uses a set of codes to represent the context of segments in the graph. Context that affects how precisely the segment can be surjected to linear coordinates.
python3 /scratch/hllab/Juan/Ixchel/SourceCode/Ixchel.py convertConversionCodes Example.CG.graph.methylc
For further support contact: juanfmacias[at]wustl.edu