Thread safe, generic, in-memory cache for Golang with optional TTL settings.
For full documentation see
package main
import (
func main() {
// Create a basic eviction policy.
ep := cocache.NewEvictionPolicy(time.Second).UpdateOnGet()
// Create a basic config.
cfg := gocache.NewConfig().
// Create a cache with that config.
cache := gocache.New[string, int](cfg)
// Set a value.
cache.Set("foo", 3)
// Get a value.
fmt.Println(cache.Get("foo")) // 3
// Wait for the value to expire.
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 1001)
// Get() returns zero value if not found in cache.
fmt.Println(cache.Get("foo")) // 0
// Check if cache has a value for a key.
fmt.Println(cache.Has("foo")) // false
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