Gathers logs on nudge. Requires nudge and the default nudge logging Launch Daemon
- past_required_install_date - BOOL - If Mac is past the required install date
- current_os - VARCHAR(255) - Current version of macOS
- required_os - VARCHAR(255) - Required version of macOS
- more_info_event - BIGINT - Timestamp of last moreInfo button click
- device_info_event - BIGINT - Timestamp of last deviceInfo button click
- primary_quit_event - BIGINT - Timestamp of last primaryQuitButton button click
- secondary_quit_event - BIGINT - Timestamp of last secondaryQuitButton button click
- update_device_event - BIGINT - Timestamp of last updateDevice button click
- deferral_initiated_event - BIGINT - Timestamp of user initiated deferral
- deferral_date - BIGINT - Timestamp of when deferral expires
- synthetic_click_event - BIGINT - Timestamp of last synthetic updateDevice button click
- command_quit_event - BIGINT - Timestamp of last attempt to close Nudge
- termination_event - BIGINT - Timestamp of when Nudge terminated last
- activation_event - BIGINT - Timestamp of when Nudge activated last
- new_nudge_event - BIGINT - Timestamp of when Nudge parsed its config last
- nudge_log - TEXT - Last 400 lines of Nudge.log
- deferral_count - INT - Count of deferrals left
- deferral_user - VARCHAR(255) - Username of deferral count
- json_config - TEXT - JSON dump of Nudge config (requires Nudge 1.1.7+)
- profile_config - TEXT - PLIST dump of Nudge config (requires Nudge 1.1.7+)