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=== Plugin Name ===

Contributors: tusharkapdi
Donate link:
Tags: wp job manager, wp job manager jobs, wp job manager shorcode, jobs shortcode, shortcode, jobs, job, related jobs, company name jobs, company jobs, job type jobs, company and job type, featured jobs, limit job filter, sidebar jobs, job detail page, view more jobs, you may interested in, more jobs, view more jobs, before content, after content, limit text, column jobs, text length, reponsive, reponsive jobs, mobile friendly, one column, two column, three column, four column, five column, six column, box jobs
Requires at least: 3.6
Tested up to: 4.4.2
Stable tag: 1.0
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

WPJM Related Jobs is an addon of WP Job Manager plugin. Its display related job list on job detail page with filtered by Job Type and Company name

== Description ==

WPJM Related Jobs is an addon of WP  Job Manager plugin. Its display related job list on job detail page. Related job is filtered jobs of Job Type and Company name fields.

You can use shortcode or automatic setting.

Related Jobs display only on job detail page.

= Options =

* Show in job detail page?
* Position
* Description Character Limit
* Number of Jobs
* Number of Columns

= Shortcode Parameters =

* limit
* columns
* length

= Basic example =


= Advanced example =

`[WPJM_RELATED_JOBS limit="3" columns="3" length="250"]`

= More Information =

* For help use [](
* Fork or contribute on [Github](
* Visit [our website]( for more
* Follow me on [Twitter](
* View my other [WordPress Plugins](

= Support =

Did you enjoy this plugin? Please [donate to support ongoing development]( Your contribution would be greatly appreciated.

== Installation ==

1. Upload the plugin files to the `/wp-content/plugins/wpjm-related-jobs` directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
1. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' screen in WordPress
1. Configuration (optional)
	* [Automatic]:- Click on the 'Related Jobs' from 'Settings' Menu ( Settings -> Related Jobs ) and configure the options
	* OR
	* [Shortcode]:- Add shortcode [WPJM_RELATED_JOBS] to job detail page as desired location.

`Related Jobs only display on job detail page.`

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

Nothing right now.

== Screenshots ==

1. Related job options
2. Related job reponsive design

== Changelog ==

= 1.0 =
* First release.

== Upgrade Notice ==

= 1.0 =
This is the initial release.


WP Job Manager Related Jobs






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