Quick proto Kit is based on styled-compoenents. To use it you must install all of these.
npm install --save styled-components
npm install --save quick-proto-kit
import React, { Component } from 'react'
import {View, Text, Image, Stack} from 'quick-proto-kit'
class Example extends Component {
render () {
return (
<Stack.Horizontal mid bg={'#ffffff'} height={'200px'} >
<View width={'100px'} height={'100px'} bg={'#f5f5f5'} />
<View width={'100px'} height={'100px'} bg={'#efeff4'} />
Property | Meaning | Syntac |
horizontal | Align all child elements horizontally | <Stack.Horizontal /> |
vertical | Align all child elements vertically | <Stack.Vertical /> |
Property | Meaning | Syntac |
center | center all child element horizontaly | ``` <Stack.Horizontal |
mid | center all child element vertically | ``` <Stack.Horizontal |
top | Top Align all child elements | ``` <Stack.Horizontal |
bottom | Bottom Align all child elements | ``` <Stack.Horizontal |
left | Left Align all child elements | ``` <Stack.Horizontal |
right | Right Align all child elements | ``` <Stack.Horizontal |
Property | syntax |
Height | <View height={'value'} /> |
Width | <View width={'value'} /> |
Property | syntax | detail |
Background color | <View bg={'value'} /> |
Value: '#ffffff' or 'themeColor' |
Text color | <View color={'value'} /> |
Value: '#ffffff' or 'themeColor' |
Property | syntax | detail |
Shadow | <View boxShadow={'value'} /> |
Value: 'themeShadow' |
Property | purpose | syntax |
specific | Add a border radius of '10px' | <View borderRadius={'10px'} /> |
curved | Add a border radius of 6px | <View curved /> |
more-curved | Add a border radius of 12px | <View more-curved /> |
round | Add a border radius of 100%, this will make a circle if the view is squre | <View curved /> |
default | No border | - |
Parameter (case sensitive) | Value |
default | 13px |
tiny | 11px |
xs | 13px |
s | 15px |
m | 17px |
l | 20px |
xl | 23px |
xxl | 27px |
xxxl | 34px |
huge | 45px |
Parameter (case sensitive) | Value |
default | regular |
bold | bold |
medium | medium |
light | light |
Parameter (case sensitive) | Value |
default | left |
left | left |
right | right |
center | center |
Parameter (case sensitive) | Value |
default | block |
inline | inline |
MIT © tushar7d