A fork of ExHammer/hammer altered to focus purely on using a Redis backend.
This fork of Hammer is currently only available on github.
The package can be installed by adding hammer
to your list of dependencies
along with the github url in mix.exs
def deps do
[{:hammer, github: "turnhub/hammer"}]
The core API of Hammer remains unchanged, so the official documentation can be referenced for most functions.
On hexdocs: https://hexdocs.pm/hammer/frontpage.html
The Tutorial is an especially good place to start.
defmodule MyApp.VideoUpload do
def upload(video_data, user_id) do
case Hammer.check_rate("upload_video:#{user_id}", 60_000, 5) do
{:allow, _count} ->
# upload the video, somehow
{:deny, _limit} ->
# deny the request
The Hammer
module provides the following functions:
check_rate(id, scale_ms, limit)
check_rate_inc(id, scale_ms, limit, increment)
inspect_bucket(id, scale_ms, limit)
The Redis backend is configured via Mix.Config
using a Redis URL:
config :hammer,
redis_url: "redis://localhost:6379/1?expiry_ms=7200000&pool_size=4&pool_max_overflow=0"
If you're having trouble, open an issue on this repo