Very lightweight MVC Framework. Not intended to provide a full stack framework, only the basic commands. The template engine is the popular PHP project Twig. I choose to not use an ORM because it would add a lot of complexity to the project and that wasn’t the goal.
Use the config file (config.php) to set your database connection (if any) and make sure the PATH_BASE constant is well defined.
You must use routes to translate urls to controllers. Add all the routes you need to the routes.php file.
$router->addRoute(new Route(‘/some/url/:with/:params’, ‘controllername’, ‘actioname’));
The framework is based on modules. Everything is organised as a module. Each module contains their own templates, controller, and other libs. A module looks like this:
The matched route will call the controller that was found. Your controller is responsible to pass variables to the view. To access the view simply use $this->view in each action.
The view uses Twig so read the doc of Twig.