Extract javascript comments on per character basis. Comment object compatible with
and Esprima format.
Notice: It extracts only first level block comments, not include nested comments.
npm i get-comments --save
npm test
For more use-cases see the tests
{String} string to extract from[resType]
{Boolean} if true, will return array, otherwise objectreturn
var getComments = require('get-comments');
var input = fs.readFileSync('./fixture.js', 'utf8')
var comments = getComments(input, true)
// [ {
// "start": 249,
// "end": 1353,
// "type": "Block",
// "loc": {
// "start": {
// "line": 12,
// "column": 0
// },
// "end": {
// "line": 48,
// "column": 3
// }
// },
// "value": "*\n * > Filtering incoming request ...",
// "api": true,
// "after": "module.exports = function koaIpFilter (options) {"
// }, {
// "start": 2187,
// "end": 2267,
// "type": "Block",
// "loc": {
// "start": {
// "line": 82,
// "column": 0
// },
// "end": {
// "line": 87,
// "column": 3
// }
// },
// "value": "*\n * abcd description\n *\n * @name koaIpFilter\n * @param {Object} `options`\n ",
// "api": false,
// "after": "exports.data = function () {"
// } ]
- acorn-extract-comments: Extract JavaScript code comments from a string, using
… more - acorn-strip-comments: Strip code comments from given input string, using acorn javascript… more
- esprima-extract-comments: Extract code comments from string or from a glob of… more
- js-comments: Parse JavaScript code comments and generate API documentation.
- parse-comments: Parse code comments from JavaScript or any language that uses… more
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