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API wrappers for other languages

Alexander Lozada edited this page Sep 16, 2016 · 2 revisions

If you prefer to use another language to access Tumblr's API, a list can be found below. An entry of yes in the official column means the repository is maintained by Tumblr.

Language Project Official? API Support
Ruby tumblr_client yes V2
Python pytumblr yes V2
C# TumblrSharp no V1, V2
Java jumblr yes V2
PHP tumblr.php yes V2
JavaScript tumblr.js yes V2
JavaScript (node) node-tumblr no V2
Go gotumblr no V2
Swift none yet!
Objective-C TMTumblrSDK yes V2
Crystal tumblr-crystal no V1
Perl WWW::Tumblr no V2
Scala tumblr4s no V2
R tumblR no V2
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