This repository contains the scripts to reproduce the experiments from the paper 'Efficient Training of Robust Decision Trees Against Adversarial Examples' about the GROOT algorithm.
To install the required depencies run:
pip install requirements.txt
To reproduce the comparison with previous works there are three main scripts:
: This script fits all models in parallel pools and writes the fitted models in XGBoost JSON format under out/trees
and out/forests
. It also outputs a file out/runtimes.csv
that keeps track of how long it took to fit each model. The script first runs all fast forest models, then all fast tree models, then provably boosting and finally TREANT in parallel pools.
: Since Chen et al. have their own implementation of robust boosting built on top of XGBoost, we have a separate script to generate results for their method. Please follow their installation instructions at and copy the built xgboost
binary to this directory then run
. This will output trained models under out/forests/
and a separate runtime file out/chenboost_runtimes.csv
: This script uses the exported models from out/trees
and out/forests
, then runs the MILP attack by Kantchelian et al. on them. It outputs result figures under out/
In the paper we ran experiments on a binary classification version of MNIST and Fashion-MNIST. The commands below train and evaluate the ensemble models on these datasets and visualize some optimal adversarial examples. The trained models and images output under out/mnist_ensembles/
and out/fmnist_ensembles/
. You can run:
python --dataset mnist --epsilon 0.4
python --dataset fmnist --epsilon 0.1
GROOT has support for some flexibility in terms of the threat model that it assumes. Specifically the perturbation range of each feature can be set separately as the attack_model
parameter. To plot the effect of changing this parameter on the learned models you can run
. This script will output visualizations of the trees' decision regions on a 2D dataset under out/
To print a quick summary table of the datasets used in the paper run