This project is still experimental, so feedback from component authors would be greatly appreciated!
Some code is still bad in this repo. Some parts are still confused. I will refactor / redev them in next commits
There is an early beginning of the project and there are not a lot of components and features.
Work with css:
Forged components propTypes and defaultProps are merged from all features and origin component. It is clear when use Storybook info addon.
For example if look at <MaterialButton/>
with all features:
property | propType | required | default |
warning | bool | no | {false} |
children | node | no | |
success | bool | no | {false} |
disabled | bool | no | {false} |
clickValue | any | no | |
className | string | no | |
danger | bool | no | {false} |
icon | string | no | |
iconPosition | string | no | "left" |
onClick | func | no | |
onClickOutside | func | no | |
onClickOutsideEnabled | bool | no | {true} |
raised | bool | no | {false} |
But there are now propsTypes and defaultProps at <MaterialButton/>
- warning / success danger - from features/highlite-flags
- onClickOutsideEnabled / onClickOutside - from features/click-outside
- raised - from features/raised
- icon / iconPosition - from components/button/features/icon
- clickValue - form components/button/features/click-value
and so on