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Creates an AWS Lambda function to do anti-virus scanning of objects in AWS S3 using bucket-antivirus-function

The source repository hasn't been updated in a long time, so we've forked the repo to our account and made changes.

git clone
cd bucket-antivirus-function
git checkout v2.2.0

With that repo checked out you must run the make command and then copy the resulting zip file to AWS S3 with:

aws s3 cp bucket-antivirus-function/build/ "s3://lambda-builds-us-west-2/anti-virus/${VERSION}/"

NOTE: It is a good idea to make VERSION match the git tag you are deploying.

Creates the following resources for anti-virus updates:

  • IAM role for Lambda function to update Anti-Virus databases in S3
  • CloudWatch Event to trigger function on a schedule.
  • AWS Lambda function to download Anti-Virus databases files to S3

Creates the following resources for anti-virus scanning:

  • IAM role for Lambda function to scan files in S3
  • S3 Event to trigger function on object creation
  • AWS Lambda function to scan S3 object and send alert to slack if any objects are infected and quarantined.


module "s3_anti_virus" {
  source = "trussworks/s3-anti-virus/aws"
  version = "2.1.2"

  name_scan   = "s3-anti-virus-scan"
  name_update = "s3-anti-virus-updates"

  lambda_s3_bucket = "lambda-builds-us-west-2"
  lambda_package_key   = ""

  av_update_minutes = "180"
  av_scan_buckets   = ["bucket-name"]

  av_definition_s3_bucket   = "av-update-bucket-name"
  av_definition_s3_prefix   = "anti-virus"

  tags = {
    "Environment" = "my-environment"
    "Purpose"     = "s3-anti-virus"
    "Terraform"   = "true"


Name Version
terraform >= 1.0
aws >= 3.0


Name Version
aws >= 3.0


Name Type
aws_cloudwatch_event_rule.main_update resource
aws_cloudwatch_event_target.main_update resource
aws_cloudwatch_log_group.main_scan resource
aws_cloudwatch_log_group.main_update resource
aws_iam_role.main_scan resource
aws_iam_role.main_update resource
aws_iam_role_policy.main_scan resource
aws_iam_role_policy.main_update resource
aws_lambda_function.main_scan resource
aws_lambda_function.main_update resource
aws_lambda_permission.main_scan resource
aws_lambda_permission.main_update resource
aws_s3_bucket_notification.main_scan resource
aws_caller_identity.current data source
aws_iam_policy_document.assume_role_scan data source
aws_iam_policy_document.assume_role_update data source
aws_iam_policy_document.main_scan data source
aws_iam_policy_document.main_update data source
aws_partition.current data source
aws_region.current data source
aws_s3_bucket.main_scan data source


Name Description Type Default Required
av_definition_s3_bucket Bucket containing antivirus database files. string n/a yes
av_definition_s3_prefix Prefix for antivirus database files. string "clamav_defs" no
av_delete_infected_files Set it True in order to delete infected values. string "False" no
av_scan_buckets A list of S3 bucket names to scan for viruses. list(string) n/a yes
av_scan_start_sns_arn SNS topic ARN to publish notification about start of scan (optional). string "" no
av_status_sns_arn SNS topic ARN to publish scan results (optional). string "" no
av_status_sns_publish_clean Publish AV_STATUS_CLEAN results to AV_STATUS_SNS_ARN. string "True" no
av_status_sns_publish_infected Publish AV_STATUS_INFECTED results to AV_STATUS_SNS_ARN. string "True" no
av_update_minutes How often to download updated Anti-Virus databases. string 180 no
cloudwatch_kms_arn The arn of the kms key used for encrypting the cloudwatch log groups created by this module. string "" no
cloudwatch_logs_retention_days Number of days to keep logs in AWS CloudWatch. string 90 no
kms_key_sns_arn ARN of the KMS Key to use for SNS Encryption string "" no
lambda_package The name of the lambda package. Used for a directory tree and zip file. string "anti-virus" no
lambda_package_key The object key for the lambda distribution. If given, the value is used as the key in lieu of the value constructed using lambda_package and lambda_version. string null no
lambda_s3_bucket The name of the S3 bucket used to store the Lambda builds. string n/a yes
lambda_version The version the Lambda function to deploy. any n/a yes
memory_size Lambda memory allocation, in MB string 2048 no
name_scan Name for resources associated with anti-virus scanning string "s3-anti-virus-scan" no
name_update Name for resources associated with anti-virus updating string "s3-anti-virus-updates" no
permissions_boundary ARN of the boundary policy to attach to IAM roles. string null no
skip_s3_notification Boolean indicating if the bucket notification should not be added. This module implementation will not operate without a bucket notification. However, since bucket notifications can only be managed once, if an implementer wants additional notifications on the bucket, they must be managed outside this module. If you give this variable as true, you must add a bucket notification to the lambda given in outputs as scan_lambda_function_arn. See this issue (#510) on the provider for more details on the topic. bool false no
tags A map of tags to add to all resources. map(string) {} no
timeout_seconds Lambda timeout, in seconds string 300 no


Name Description
scan_aws_cloudwatch_log_group_arn ARN for the Anti-Virus Scanning Cloudwatch LogGroup.
scan_aws_cloudwatch_log_group_name The Anti-Virus Scanning Cloudwatch LogGroup name.
scan_lambda_function_arn ARN for the Anti-Virus Scanning lambda function.
scan_lambda_function_iam_role_arn Name of the Anti-Virus Scanning lambda role.
scan_lambda_function_iam_role_name Name of the Anti-Virus Scanning lambda role.
scan_lambda_function_name The Anti-Virus Scanning lambda function name.
scan_lambda_function_version Current version of the Anti-Virus Scanning lambda function.
update_aws_cloudwatch_log_group_arn ARN for the Anti-Virus Definitions Cloudwatch LogGroup.
update_aws_cloudwatch_log_group_name The Anti-Virus Definitions Cloudwatch LogGroup name.
update_lambda_function_arn ARN for the Anti-Virus Definitions lambda function.
update_lambda_function_iam_role_arn ARN of the Anti-Virus Definitions lambda role.
update_lambda_function_iam_role_name Name of the Anti-Virus Definitions lambda role.
update_lambda_function_name The Anti-Virus Definitions lambda function name.
update_lambda_function_version Current version of the Anti-Virus Definitions lambda function.