Collection of MuonPOG related tools
cmsrel CMSSW_7_4_6_patch5 # Just an example release, works in 74X at present
cd CMSSW_7_4_6_patch5/src/
git clone [email protected]:battibass/MuonPOG.git
scramv1 b -j 5
Ntuple interface defined in : MuonPOG/Tools/src/MuonPogTree.h
Ntuple are filed by code in : MuonPOG/Tools/plugins/
To create some ntuples :
cd MuonPOG/Tools/test/
cmsRun # modify files according to your needs
The ntuple gets loaded by :
from MuonPOG.Tools.MuonPogNtuples_cff import appendMuonPogNtuple
Where arguments are :
- The CMS configuration process
- A bool to say whether you are running on MC
- The label of the process giving HLT results
- The name of the output ntuple
To run the invariant masses macro on ntuples :
cd MuonPOG/Tools/invariant_mass/
./invariantMassPlots \
/afs/ \
config_z/*ini #modify input ntuple and config files according to your needs