Command-line thingamajigs helpful or otherwise.
Command line argument parser into types that implement std::str::FromStr
use terminal_toys::{smärgs, smargs};
struct MyInput { repeats: usize, string: String, verbose: bool };
let program_args = vec!["echon", "-v", "--amount", "3", "foo bar"];
let MyInput { repeats, string, verbose } = terminal_toys::smärgs!(
"Echo a string N times",
MyInput {
repeats:("Amount of echoes", vec!["amount"], smargs::Kind::Required),
string: ("The string to echo", vec![], smargs::Kind::Required),
verbose:("Print more information", vec!["v", "verbose"], smargs::Kind::Flag)
assert_eq!(repeats, 3);
assert_eq!(string, "foo bar");
for i in 0..repeats {
print!("{}", string);
if verbose { eprintln!("{} repeats left", repeats - (i + 1)); }
# return Ok::<(), Box<smargs::Break>>(())
Example of eight threads with a progress bar each:
Thread #1 95% [===================.]
Thread #2 100% [====================] Done!
Thread #3 95% [===================.]
Thread #4 95% [===================.]
Thread #5 95% [===================.]
Thread #6 95% [===================.]
Thread #7 100% [====================] Done!
Thread #8 90% [==================..]
Animation of the basic spinner (|) > (/) > (-) > (\)
while waiting for a function to finish:
use terminal_toys::spinner;
fn my_long_process() -> u32 { 42 }
let result = spinner::start_spinner(|| my_long_process());
Color manipulation codes saved into constants:
use terminal_toys::textcolor::{GREEN, RESET};
println!("{}The color of envy{}", GREEN, RESET);
Snake on the command-line. Control with WASD