Use common setup action in docs workflow #7079
3 errors
Command [beeline -u jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000/default -n hive -e SHOW TBLPROPERTIES hive_datalake.nation_5jimhv4gme] exited with 1
Command [beeline -u jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000/default -n hive -e CREATE TABLE hive_datalake.nation_hmexak0t72 ( name varchar(25), comment varchar(152), nationkey bigint, regionkey bigint ) PARTITIONED BY ( short_name1 varchar(152), short_name2 varchar(152)) TBLPROPERTIES ( 'projection.enabled'='true', 'storage.location.template'='s3a://test-hive-insert-overwrite-vclvwkiyu1/hive_datalake/nation_hmexak0t72/short_name1=${short_name1}/short_name2=${short_name2}/', 'projection.short_name1.type'='enum', 'projection.short_name1.values'='PL1,CZ1', 'projection.short_name2.type'='enum', 'projection.short_name2.values'='PL2,CZ2' )] exited with 1
Multiple Failures (1 failure)
-- failure 1 --
[Rows for query [SELECT regionkey, name, comment FROM pinot.default.region]]
Expecting actual:
to contain exactly in any order:
[(0, AFRICA, lar deposits. blithely final packages cajole. regular waters are final requests. regular accounts are according to ),
(1, AMERICA, hs use ironic, even requests. s),
(2, ASIA, ges. thinly even pinto beans ca),
(3, EUROPE, ly final courts cajole furiously final excuse),
(4, MIDDLE EAST, uickly special accounts cajole carefully blithely close requests. carefully final asymptotes haggle furiousl)]
but could not find the following elements:
(0, AFRICA, lar deposits. blithely final packages cajole. regular waters are final requests. regular accounts are according to ), (1, AMERICA, hs use ironic, even requests. s), (2, ASIA, ges. thinly even pinto beans ca), (3, EUROPE, ly final courts cajole furiously final excuse), (4, MIDDLE EAST, uickly special accounts cajole carefully blithely close requests. carefully final asymptotes haggle furiousl)
at QueryAssertions$ResultAssert.lambda$matches$0(QueryAssertions$