Please refer to for further developments.
A mobile version of the Umami Tezos wallet.
You need to make sure that all the dependencies are installed. Please make sure that you are using yarn v1 (e.g. v1.22.19).
yarn install
If you are going to build and run your app on an iOS then please also make sure that cocoapods are installed and then run this command from the ios folder
pod install
Compile rescript source to javascript:
yarn res:build
Compile rescript source to javascript in watch mode:
yarn res:watch
Run app in IOS Sim (Mac Only)
yarn ios
Run app in simulator with a specified device. See this answser:
npx react-native run-ios --simulator="iPhone 8"
Run tests in watch mode:
yarn test:watch
In order to run the app you need to attach necessary google analytics settings
- Download
from your GA account - Open the project in XCode
- Place the file under UmamiMobile target (next to
- Download
from your GA account - Move the file into
When archiving the app after a fresh pod install
, you probably will get the following error:
Multiple commands produce 'path/AccessibilityResources.bundle
To fix this error, just delete React-Core.common-AccessibilityResources
in the Pods project as described here.
Further development will be performed in the this repository: