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Orderly API is a cutting-edge web API designed to streamline operations for restaurant and food businesses (RMS). It draws from the principles of Domain-Driven Design (DDD) and Hexagonal Architecture to ensure scalability, maintainability, and a robust integration capability.


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💻 Project

Orderly is a cutting-edge web system designed to streamline operations for restaurant and food businesses (RMS). It draws from the principles of Domain-Driven Design (DDD) and Architectural Concepts to ensure scalability, maintainability, and a robust integration capability.

🔗 Links

✨ Technologies

This project was built using the following technologies and architectural concepts:

🟢 Running

Prerequisites: Ensure you have docker, node>=18.16.0 & npm>=9.5.1 installed.

  1. Clone this project:
git clone
  1. Configure your environment by creating a .env file based on the .env.example.

  2. Start the application:

npm run start:docker
  1. Alternatively, start the application with the docker command:
docker compose up

This will launch the application at port 3000.

Once it's up, the Swagger documentation can be accessed at http://localhost:3000/.

🔵 Kubernetes

Prerequisites: Ensure you have a tool for running local Kubernetes clusters installed.

Running on kubernetes

# create namespace orderly
$ kubectl create ns orderly

# set orderly namespace to default with kubectl
$ kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=orderly

# cache
$ kubectl apply -f k8s/cache

# database
$ kubectl apply -f k8s/db

# api
$ kubectl apply -f k8s/api

⚠️ Wait until the pods are ready, you can see the process with this command: kubectl get pods -o wide --watch

📌 By default this will launch the application at port 30000

📌 Get the INTERNAL-IP with command: kubectl get nodes -o wide

With the INTERNAL-IP the Swagger documentation can be accessed at <INTERNAL-IP>:30000/.

DDD (Domain-Driven Design)

Domain-Driven Design (DDD) is an approach to developing software for complex needs by deeply connecting the implementation to an evolving model of the core business concepts. Here's a breakdown of how DDD principles have been applied in Orderly:

Domain Storytelling

1.1. Entities

  1. Client: Identified optionally by a Brazilian CPF.
  2. Payment: Represents a transaction that will be used with OHS. Has an associated status (perhaps initiated, processed, confirmed).
  3. Order: Represents a customer's request. It has associated status (Received, Preparing, Ready, Finalized).
  4. Service: Represents the production of food. It has associated products and a client.
  5. Notification: A medium for communication with the user and the restaurant. Will utilize an ACL for integration.
  6. Admin: Handles promotional strategies and stock management.
  7. Stock: Represents the available inventory of products.
  8. Product: Items like Hamburger, Fries, Soda, etc.

1.2. Value Objects

  1. ProductDetails: For Product, attributes like Name, Description, NutritionalInfo, etc., can be value objects. They don't have an identity on their own, but they describe a Product.
  2. PaymentDetails: For Payment, attributes like Amount, Currency, QRCode can be value objects.
  3. NotificationContent: For Notification, details like Message, Timestamp, and Type could be value objects.

1.3. Aggregates

  1. Check-in: Rooted at Client, with Order being part of the aggregate.
  2. Check-out: Rooted at Order, which affects both Deliver and Production.
  3. Communication: Rooted at the Notification system, interfacing via an ACL.
  4. Billing: Rooted at Payment, using ACL to conform with OHS.
  5. Admin: Rooted at Admin, influencing the Stock.

1.4. Domain Events

  1. ClientRegistered: Triggered when a client registers.
  2. ProductsSelected: Triggered when products are selected.
  3. OrderCreated: Triggered after order creation.
  4. PaymentProcessed: Triggered during the payment process.
  5. PaymentApproved: Triggered upon payment confirmation.
  6. StatusUpdatedToReceived: Triggered when order status changes.
  7. ClientNotified: Triggered to notify the client.

Event Storming

Event Storming

Context Map

DDD Context Map

Use cases

- Labels


- Check-in

Create order Usecase

- Create order

Create order Usecase

- Pay order

Pay order Usecase

- Prepare order

Prepare order Usecase

- Withdrawn order

Withdrawn order Usecase

Clean Architecture


Kubernetes Diagram - Infrastructure

Cloud - Google Cloud Platform

Kubernetes diagram on google cloud platform

Local - Docker Hub

Kubernetes local diagram

Entity Relationship Diagram - Database

ER Diagram

📝 License

This project is licensed under the MIT License. For more information, please refer to the LICENSE file.


Orderly API is a cutting-edge web API designed to streamline operations for restaurant and food businesses (RMS). It draws from the principles of Domain-Driven Design (DDD) and Hexagonal Architecture to ensure scalability, maintainability, and a robust integration capability.






