This voicechanger demo provides multiuser communication with various configurable voice effects.
Implementation was done in websockets rather than with p2p methods such as WebRTC to learn websockets and allow existing python code to be used.
This is best for usage on a LAN and does not require a web domain.
Install Docker Engine and Docker Compose.
Rename the docker-compose.yml.default to docker-compose.yml
mv docker-compose.yml.default docker-compose.yml
- Run docker-compose in the project directory
sudo docker-compose up
Install Docker Engine and Docker Compose.
Rename the to docker-compose.yml
mv docker-compose.yml.default docker-compose.yml
Edit the docker-compose.yml to change the to the domain you are hosting the server on
Edit the www/client.html and change the url used in websocket creation "wss://" to your own domain. ex "wss://"
Run docker-compose in the project directory
sudo docker-compose up
In a webbrowser navigate to the client.html using either your domain for https or LAN ip for http (ex or 192.x.x.x/client.html)
Click test microphone to hear yourself and effects applied.
Have someone else join to hear eachothers voicechangers. (this might not work on a LAN due to webbrowser security constraints).