Conda recipe generator for ROS packages
WARNING: This project is at a super early stage. No guarantees everything works.
The tool generates conda
recipe to capture all the selected ROS packages.
Later, one can use conda-smithy
to auto-generate pipeline to release conda
binary packages.
First you have to create a vinca.yaml
to describe ROS information for vinca
to do the magic generating the recipe.
# vinca.yaml
ros_distro: eloquent
# optionally, a fat archive can be generated too.
fat_archive: true
name: ros-eloquent-fat-ament-cmake
# mapping of rosdep keys
# it can be also used to shadow the unwanted packages.
- ''
# packages to skip
# packages to include
- ament_cmake
# patch directory
patch_dir: ./patch
To generate recipes for all available ROS packages you can add build_all: true
to your vinca.yaml. In that case, otherwise selected packages will be ignored and vinca will generate recipes for all available packages. To try to see how far one can go, it's recommended to run vinca and boa like this:
vinca --multiple # to generate a `./recipes` folder with multiple subfolders
boa build --skip-existing=fast --continue-on-failure -m conda_build_config.yaml ./recipes