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dx-server - modern, unopinionated, and satisfactory server


yarn add dx-server jchain


Check below sample with comment for more details.

Simple server

import {Server} from 'node:http'
import chain from 'jchain'
import dxServer, {getReq, getRes, router, setHtml, setText,} from 'dx-server'

new Server().on('request', (req, res) => chain(
		dxServer(req, res),
		async next => {
			try {
				getRes().setHeader('Cache-Control', 'no-cache')
				console.log(getReq().method, getReq().url)
				await next()
			} catch (e) {
				setHtml('internal server error', {status: 500})
			'/'() {setHtml('hello world')},
			'/health'() {setText('ok')}
		() => setHtml('not found', {status: 404}),
).listen(3000, () => console.log('server is listening at 3000'))

File server:

import {Server} from 'node:http'
import chain from 'jchain'
import dxServer, {chainStatic, setHtml} from 'dx-server'
import {resolve, dirname} from 'node:path'
import {fileURLToPath} from 'node:url'

new Server().on('request', (req, res) => chain(
		dxServer(req, res),
		chainStatic('/*', {root: resolve(dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url)), 'public')}),
		() => setHtml('not found', {status: 404}),
).listen(3000, () => console.log('server is listening at 3000'))

More complex server with express. This sample additionally requires: yarn install express morgan

import {Server} from 'node:http'
import {promisify} from 'node:util'
import chain from 'jchain'
import dxServer, {
	getReq, getRes,
	getBuffer, getJson, getRaw, getText, getUrlEncoded, getQuery,
	setHtml, setJson, setText, setEmpty, setBuffer, setRedirect, setNodeStream, setWebStream, setFile,
	router, connectMiddlewares, chainStatic, makeDxContext
} from 'dx-server'
import {expressApp} from 'dx-server/express'
import express from 'express'
import morgan from 'morgan'

// it is best practice to create custom error class for non-system error
class ServerError extends Error {
	name = 'ServerError'

	constructor(message, status = 400, code = 'unknown') {
		this.status = status
		this.code = code

const authContext = makeDxContext(async () => {
	if (getReq().headers.authorization) return {id: 1, name: 'joe (private)'}

const requireAuth = () => {
	if (!authContext.value) throw new ServerError('unauthorized', 401, 'unauthorized')

const serverChain = chain(
	next => {
		// this is the difference between express and dx-server
		// req, res can be accessed from anywhere via context which uses NodeJS's AsyncLocalStorage under the hood
		getRes().setHeader('Cache-Control', 'no-cache')
		return next() // must return or await
	async next => {// global error catching for all following middlewares
		try {
			await next()
		} catch (e) {// only app error message should be shown to user
			if (e instanceof ServerError) setHtml(`${e.message} (code: ${e.code})`, {status: e.status})
			else {// report system error
				setHtml('internal server error (code: internal)', {status: 500})
		// cors(),
	await expressApp(app => {// any express feature can be used. This requires express installed, with for e.g., `yarn add express`
		app.set('trust proxy', true)
		if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') app.set('json spaces', 2)
		app.use('/public', express.static('public'))
	authContext.chain(), // chain context will set the context value to authContext.value in every request'/api/*', async ({next}) => {// example of catching error for all /api/* routes
		try {
			await next()
		} catch (e) {
			if (e instanceof ServerError) setJson({// only app error message should be shown to user
				error: e.message,
				code: e.code,
			}, {status: e.status})
			else {// report system error
					message: 'internal server error',
					code: 'internal'
				}, {status: 500})
		'/api/sample-public-api'() { // sample POST router
			setJson({name: 'joe'})
		'/api/me'() { // sample private router
	router.get('/', () => setHtml('ok')), // router.method() accepts 2 formats
	router.get('/health', () => setText('ok')),
	() => { // not found router
		throw new ServerError('not found', 404, 'not_found')

const tcpServer = new Server()
	.on('request', async (req, res) => {
		try {
			await chain(
				dxServer(req, res, {jsonBeautify: process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production'}), // basic dx-server context
		} catch (e) {

await promisify(tcpServer.listen.bind(tcpServer))(3000)
console.log('server is listening at 3000')


getBuffer, getJson, getRaw, getText, getUrlEncoded, getQuery are all asynchronous functions. The associated results are calculated in the first time they are called and cached for subsequent calls.

If you want to get these values synchronously, chain it, like follows:

import {getJson} from 'dx-server'

	getJson.chain(/*option*/), // json body is parsed and stored in context in every request
	next => {
		console.log(getJson.value) // json body can be accessed synchronously
		return next()

Context can be created using makeDxContext function:

import {makeDxContext} from 'dx-server'

const authContext = makeDxContext(() => {
	if (getReq().headers.authorization) return {id: 1, name: 'joe (authorized)'}
const requireAuth = () => {
	if (!authContext.value) throw new Error('unauthorized')
	next => {
		return next()
// or await authContext() to lazy load the context and don't require chaining authContext.chain()
	async next => {
		console.log(await authContext())
		return next()

API References

All exported APIs:

import dxServer, {
	getReq, getRes, getBuffer, getJson, getRaw, getText, getUrlEncoded, getQuery,
	setHtml, setJson, setText, setEmpty, setBuffer, setRedirect, setNodeStream, setWebStream, setFile,
	router, connectMiddlewares, chainStatic, makeDxContext
} from 'dx-server'
import {expressApp, expressRouter} from 'dx-server/express' // requires express installed
import {
	bufferFromReq, jsonFromReq, rawFromReq, textFromReq, urlEncodedFromReq, queryFromReq,
} from 'dx-server/helpers'


import dxServer, {
	getReq, getRes, getBuffer, getJson, getRaw, getText, getUrlEncoded, getQuery,
	setHtml, setJson, setText, setEmpty, setBuffer, setRedirect, setNodeStream, setWebStream, setFile,
} from 'dx-server'
  • getReq(), getRes(): get request and response objects from anywhere.

  • getBuffer(), getJson(), getRaw(), getText(), getUrlEncoded(), getQuery(): get parsed request body, raw body, text body, url encoded body, query string from anywhere. These are DX context object, can be used as follows:

    • const json = await getJson(): lazily load the context, once loaded, it is cached for subsequent calls. No chaining is required.
    • Chain it to get the value synchronously: chain(getJson.chain(), next => console.log(getJson.value)). Note that the value is calculated in every request.
  • ctx = makeDxContext(fn): create a DX context object. fn is called once per request to calculate the value. The value is cached for subsequent calls.

  • Context value can be accessed by:

    • const value = await ctx(): lazily load the context, once loaded, it is cached for subsequent calls.
    • const value = ctx.value: get the value synchronously. Note that the value must be fetched at least once before via await ctx() or by chaining chain(ctx.chain()).
    • const value = ctx.get(req): similar condition as ctx.value.
  • Context value can be set or overridden by:

    • ctx.value = value.
    • ctx.set(req, value).
  • setHtml, setJson, setText, setEmpty, setBuffer, setRedirect, setNodeStream, setWebStream, setFile: set response body.

  • connectMiddlewares(...middlewares): connect middlewares. For example:

import {connectMiddlewares} from 'dx-server'
import morgan from 'morgan'
import cors from 'cors'

  • chainStatic(path, options): serve static files. For example:
import {chainStatic} from 'dx-server'
import {resolve, dirname} from 'node:path'
import {fileURLToPath} from 'node:url'

	chainStatic('/assets/*', {
		root: resolve(dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url)), 'public'),
		getPathname(matched) {
			return new URL(getReq().url, 'http://localhost').pathname.slice('/assets'.length)


import {router} from 'dx-server'
  • router.get,, router.put, router.delete, router.patch, router.head, router.options, router.connect, router.trace: create router. These functions accept 2 formats:

    • router.get(routes: {[pattern: string]: Route}, options: RouterOptions): create multiple routes.
    • router.get(pattern: string, handler: Route, options: RouterOptions): create route for GET method.
  • router.all(...): same as router.get() but for any method.

  • router.method(): create router with custom method. Similar to router.get(), this function accepts 2 formats.

    • router.method(method: string, routes: {[pattern: string]: Route}, options: RouterOptions): create multiple routes.
    • router.method(method: string, pattern: string, handler: Route, options: RouterOptions): create route for method method.

RouterOptions is defined as follows:

interface RouterOptions {
	prefix?: string

Patterns are matched using URLPattern. This does not always match the same as ExpressJS. For example, to match any path prefixed with /api/, use /api/*. Note the following:

Route is defined as follows:

interface RouteContext {
	matched: URLPatternResult // result returned from URLPattern.exec(). To get params: matched.pathname.groups
	next(): any
type Route = (context: RouteContext) => any


import {
	bufferFromReq, jsonFromReq, rawFromReq, textFromReq, urlEncodedFromReq, queryFromReq,
} from 'dx-server/helpers'

Helpers are all pure functions, and do not rely on any context. These functions are independent of the context and can be used anywhere, even outside of this package. They require request and response objects to be passed.


import {expressApp, expressRouter} from 'dx-server/express' // requires express installed

	await expressApp(app => {// any express feature can be used. This requires express installed, with for e.g., `yarn add express`
		app.set('trust proxy', true)
		if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') app.set('json spaces', 2)
		app.use('/public', express.static('public'))
	expressRouter(router => {

Other functionalities


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