Add simple to use SMTP messaging functions to your server-side Transomjs code.
$ npm install --save @transomjs/transom-smtp
options.smtp is passed in directly to nodemailer.createTransport() and follows the nodemailer configuration.
options.helpers adds methods to send email from specific addresses. The following example puts "sendFromNoreply()" and "sendFromAdmin()" methods on the transomSmtp Object.
NOTE: a sendFromNoreply() method is required when using transomSmtp with the transom-mongoose-localuser.
const Transom = require('@transomjs/transom-core');
const transomSmtp = require('@transomjs/transom-smtp');
const transom = new Transom();
const options = {
smtp: {
host: '',
port: 587,
secure: false,
auth: {
user: 'username',
pass: 'password'
helpers: {
noreply: '"No Replies" [email protected]',
admin: '[email protected]'
transom.configure(transomSmtp, options);
transom.initialize(server, myApi).then(function(server){