Generate Atlantis Config for Terragrunt projects.
Atlantis is an awesome tool for Terraform pull request automation. Each repo can have a YAML config file that defines Terraform module dependencies, so that PRs that affect dependent modules will automatically generate terraform plan
s for those modules.
Terragrunt is a Terraform wrapper, which has the concept of dependencies built into its configuration.
This tool creates Atlantis YAML configurations for Terragrunt projects by:
- Finding all
in a repo - Evaluating their
, and other source blocks to find their dependencies - Creating a Directed Acyclic Graph of all dependencies
- Constructing and logging YAML in Atlantis' config spec that reflects the graph
This is especially useful for organizations that use monorepos for their Terragrunt config (as we do at Transcend), and have thousands of lines of config.
The recommended way to use this tool is to install it onto your Atlantis server, and then use a Pre-Workflow hook to run it after every clone. This way, Atlantis can automatically determine what modules should be planned/applied for any change to your repository.
To get started, add a pre_workflow_hooks
field to your repos
section of your server-side repo config:
"repos": [
"id": "<your_github_repo>",
"workflow": "default",
"pre_workflow_hooks": [
"run": "terragrunt-atlantis-config generate --output atlantis.yaml --autoplan --parallel --create-workspace"
Then, make sure terragrunt-atlantis-config
is present on your Atlantis server. There are many different ways to configure a server, but this example in Packer should show the bash commands you'll need just about anywhere:
variable "terragrunt_atlantis_config_version" {
default = "1.20.0"
build {
// ...
provisioner "shell" {
inline = [
"sudo tar xf terragrunt-atlantis-config_${var.terragrunt_atlantis_config_version}_linux_amd64.tar.gz",
"sudo mv terragrunt-atlantis-config_${var.terragrunt_atlantis_config_version}_linux_amd64/terragrunt-atlantis-config_${var.terragrunt_atlantis_config_version}_linux_amd64 terragrunt-atlantis-config",
"sudo install terragrunt-atlantis-config /usr/local/bin",
inline_shebang = "/bin/bash -e"
// ...
and just like that, your developers should never have to worry about an atlantis.yaml
file, or even need to know what it is.
For basic cases, this tool can sniff out all dependencies in a module. However, you may have times when you want to add in additional dependencies such as:
- You use Terragrunt's
function in your locals, and want to depend on the read file - Your Terragrunt module should be run anytime some non-terragrunt file is updated, such as a Dockerfile or Packer template
- You want to run all modules any time your product has a major version bump
- You believe a module should be reapplied any time some other file or directory is updated
In these cases, you can customize the locals
block in that Terragrunt module to have a field named extra_atlantis_dependencies
with a list
of values you want included in the config, such as:
locals {
extra_atlantis_dependencies = [
In your atlantis.yaml
file, you will end up seeing output like:
- autoplan:
enabled: false
- "*.hcl"
- "*.tf*"
- some_extra_dep
- ../../.gitignore
dir: example-setup/extra_dependency
If you specify extra_atlantis_dependencies
in the parent Terragrunt module, they will be merged with the child dependencies using the following rules:
- Any function in a parent will be evaluated from the child's directory. So you can use
and other functions like you normally would in terragrunt. - Absolute paths will work as they would in a child module, and the path in the output will be relative from the child module to the absolute path
- Relative paths, like the string
, will be evaluated as relative to the Child module. This means that if you need something relative to the parent module, you should use something like"${get_parent_terragrunt_dir()}/foo.json"
One way to customize the behavior of this module is through CLI flag values passed in at runtime. These settings will apply to all modules.
Flag Name | Description | Default Value |
--autoplan |
The default value for autoplan settings. Can be overriden by locals. | false |
--automerge |
Enables the automerge setting for a repo. | false |
--cascade-dependencies |
When true, dependencies will cascade, meaning that a module will be declared to depend not only on its dependencies, but all dependencies of its dependencies all the way down. | true |
--ignore-parent-terragrunt |
Ignore parent Terragrunt configs (those which don't reference a terraform module). In most cases, this should be set to true |
true |
--parallel |
Enables plan s and apply s to happen in parallel. Will typically be used with --create-workspace |
true |
--create-workspace |
Use different auto-generated workspace for each project. Default is use default workspace for everything | false |
--create-project-name |
Add different auto-generated name for each project | false |
--preserve-workflows |
Preserves workflows from old output files. Useful if you want to define your workflow definitions on the client side | true |
--preserve-projects |
Preserves projects from old output files. Useful for incremental builds using --filter |
false |
--workflow |
Name of the workflow to be customized in the atlantis server. If empty, will be left out of output | "" |
--apply-requirements |
Requirements that must be satisfied before atlantis apply can be run. Currently the only supported requirements are approved and mergeable . Can be overridden by locals |
[] |
--output |
Path of the file where configuration will be generated. Typically, you want a file named "atlantis.yaml". Default is to write to stdout . |
"" |
--root |
Path to the root directory of the git repo you want to build config for. | current directory |
--terraform-version |
Default terraform version to specify for all modules. Can be overriden by locals | "" |
--ignore-dependency-blocks |
When true, dependencies found in dependency and dependencies blocks will be ignored |
false |
--filter |
Path or glob expression to the directory you want scope down the config for. Default is all files in root | "" |
--num-executors |
Number of executors used for parallel generation of projects. Default is 15 | 15 |
--execution-order-groups |
Computes execution_order_group for projects | false |
--depends-on |
Computes depends_on for projects. Project names are required. | false |
These flags offer additional options to generate Atlantis projects based on HCL configuration files in the terragrunt hierarchy. This, for example, enables Atlantis to use terragrunt run-all
workflows on staging environment or product levels in a terragrunt hierarchy. Mostly useful in large terragrunt projects containing lots of interdependent child modules. Atlantis locals
can be used in the defined project marker files.
Flag Name | Description | Default Value | Type |
--project-hcl-files |
Comma-separated names of arbitrary hcl files in the terragrunt hierarchy to create Atlantis projects for. Disables the --filter flag |
"" | list(string) |
--use-project-markers |
If enabled, project hcl files must include locals { atlantis_project = true } for project creation. |
false | bool |
--create-hcl-project-childs |
Creates Atlantis projects for terragrunt child modules below the directories containing the HCL files defined in --project-hcl-files | false | bool |
--create-hcl-project-external-childs |
Creates Atlantis projects for terragrunt child modules outside the directories containing the HCL files defined in --project-hcl-files | true | bool |
Another way to customize the output is to use locals
values in your terragrunt modules. These can be set in either the parent or child terragrunt modules, and the settings will only affect the current module (or all child modules for parent locals).
Locals Name | Description | type |
atlantis_workflow |
The custom atlantis workflow name to use for a module | string |
atlantis_apply_requirements |
The custom apply_requirements array to use for a module |
list(string) |
atlantis_terraform_version |
Allows overriding the --terraform-version flag for a single module |
string |
atlantis_autoplan |
Allows overriding the --autoplan flag for a single module |
bool |
atlantis_skip |
If true on a child module, that module will not appear in the output. If true on a parent module, none of that parent's children will appear in the output. |
bool |
extra_atlantis_dependencies |
See Extra dependencies | list(string) |
atlantis_project |
Create Atlantis project for a project hcl file. Only functional with --project-hcl-files and --use-project-markers |
bool |
Atlantis added support for running plan and apply parallel in v0.13.0.
To use this feature, projects have to be separated in different workspaces, and the create-workspace
flag enables this by concatenating the project path as the
name of the workspace.
As an example, project ${git_root}/stage/app/terragrunt.hcl
will have the name stage_app
as workspace name. This flag should be used along with parallel
to enable parallel plan and apply:
terragrunt-atlantis-config generate --output atlantis.yaml --parallel --create-workspace
Enabling this feature may consume more resources like cpu, memory, network, and disk, as each workspace will now be cloned separately by atlantis.
As when defining the workspace this info is also needed when running atlantis plan/apply -d ${git_root}/stage/app -w stage_app
to run the command on specific directory,
you can also use the atlantis plan/apply -p stage_app
in case you have enabled the create-project-name
cli argument (it is false
by default).
Each terragrunt module can have locals, but can also have zero to many include
blocks that can specify parent terragrunt files that can also have locals.
In most cases (for string/boolean locals), the primary terragrunt module has the highest precedence, followed by the locals in the lowest appearing include
block, etc. all the way until the lowest precedence at the locals in the first include
block to appear.
However, there is one exception where the values are merged, which is the atlantis_extra_dependencies
local. For this local, all values are appended to one another. This way, you can have include
files declare their own dependencies.
You can install this tool locally to checkout what kinds of config it will generate for your repo, though in production it is recommended to install this tool directly onto your Atlantis server
Recommended: Install any version via go install:
go install[email protected]
This module officially supports golang version v1.21, tested on Github with each build. This module also officially supports both Windows and Nix-based file formats, tested on Github with each build.
Usage Examples (see below sections for all options):
# From the root of your repo
terragrunt-atlantis-config generate
# or from anywhere
terragrunt-atlantis-config generate --root /some/path/to/your/repo/root
# output to a file
terragrunt-atlantis-config generate --autoplan --output ./atlantis.yaml
Finally, check the log output (or your output file) for the YAML.
To test any changes you've made, run make gotestsum
(or make test
for standard golang testing).
When your PR is merged and a tag is created, a Github Actions job to build the new binary, test it, and deploy it's artifacts to Github Releases along with checksums.
You can then open a PR on our homebrew tap similar to transcend-io/homebrew-tap#4, and as soon as that merges your code will be released. Homebrew is not updated for every release, as Github is the primary artifact store.