Demo for Aston integrating Cocoapods + Carthage
TradeIt SDK requires Frameworks but existing dependencies include static binaries. This is the error given building Aston's Podfile after adding use_frameworks!
[!] The 'Pods-StockMasterSDKUpdate' target has transitive dependencies that include static binaries: (/Users/jsom/workspace/StockMasterSDKUpdate/Pods/OpenSSL-Universal/lib-ios/libcrypto.a and /Users/jsom/workspace/StockMasterSDKUpdate/Pods/OpenSSL-Universal/lib-ios/libssl.a)
The OpenSSL dependency comes from the Mosquitto dependency. This is a known issue on Cocoapods and the situation is evolving but isn't resolved. See here for one of many threads about it: CocoaPods/CocoaPods#6848
This is used by a couple of partners who run in to the issue above. I have provided a sample implementation here. Note the demo configures the build settings to include Carthage frameworks correctly, but only has a button to demo launch a screen from the SDK.
To setup:
git clone [email protected]:tradingticket/StockMasterSDKUpdate.git
pod install
carthage update
open StockMasterSDKUpdate.xcworkspace
Depends on how the Mosquitto library is being used. If just the client is used and not the server, potentially look at switching to just a client library like MQTTClient.
This is an option if a single package manager is desirable. You would need to compile the Mosquitto dependency and vendor the framework.