Go to cFS/sample_defs. Open targets.cmake in a text editor.
Locate the line that sets MISSION_GLOBAL_APPLIST (~line 89) your app:
list(APPEND MISSION_GLOBAL_APPLIST ros_app sbn sbn_udp sbn_f_remap cf edoras_app)
Go to cFS/sample_defs. Add the app in cpuX_cfe_es_startup.scr with X=1 or 2 :
CFE_APP, rover_app, RoverAppMain, EDORAS_APP, 50, 16384, 0x0, 0;
ros2 launch juicer_util generate_juicer_database.launch.py cfs_path:=/home/ana/ros2/brash_ws/cFS juicer_path:=/home/ana/ros2/brash_ws/juicer output_db:=rover.sqlite input_list:=['cf/rover_app.so']
Convert database to ROS2 messages. Update the db location:
ros2 launch cfe_msg_converter cfe_msg_converter.launch.py