Standalone specific:
- #333 : update axis range in standalone validation
- #342 : update bin files used for standalone validation to fill seed label with no requirement on the seed to have pixel hits
- #343 : update standalone dump of SiStrip quality DB information, now in the order they appear in the final vector instead of at the point of the insertion (to reflect trackreco/cmssw#40)
New functionality and updates in general physics algorithms:
- #334 : fix 1/pT charge flip + improve numerical precision for high pT tracks (http://uaf-10.t2.ucsd.edu/~slava77/figs/mic/mtv/10muHS_CKF_vs_mkFit_310_absPt_77a7f37/plots_initialStep.html)
- #335 : fix computation of uncertainty in r for hit selection in the endcap region (http://uaf-10.t2.ucsd.edu/~slava77/figs/mic/mtv/ttbar50_CKF_vs_mkFit_pr334_drFix_98dbfd1/plots_ootb.html)
- #336 : for backward propagation, add option to use track parameters after propagation to PCA (http://uaf-10.t2.ucsd.edu/~mmasciov/MkFit_devs/MTV_PR336/)
- #339 : use finer binning for usage of SiStrip quality DB information (http://uaf-10.t2.ucsd.edu/~slava77/figs/mic/mtv/10mu_mkFit_dr_dead-restricted-Qbin-p512_m7405a71_c19205b8/plots_ootb.html)
- #340 : vary chi2 cut for hit selection as a function of layer, iteration, and track candidate kinematics, and add lower bound to dphi cut for hit search windows (http://uaf-10.t2.ucsd.edu/~mmasciov/MkFit_devs/MTV-PR338_10mu/)
- #344 : update phi geometry boundaries for stereo detector layers, and add lower bound to dphi cut for hit search windows in transition region (http://uaf-10.t2.ucsd.edu/~mmasciov/MkFit_devs/MTV_forPR_10mulowpt/)
Additional notes:
- #340 is renaming one mkFit parameter (chi2Cut -> chi2Cut_min), which requires update of cms-data