2.2.0 Release
Update to 2.2.0 to fix a few somewhat critical bugs, add awesome new features and also to wish a happy new year to everyone!
- Fixed NBT-Injector for 1.15.*
- Throws exception when the Injector is used without enabeling it first
- Added Java 11+ support! (Reflections where broken)
- ListCompounds now extend NBTCompounds, enabeling all compound methods for them!
- Nesting Compound Lists is now possible!
- ToString Method now uses asNBTString()
- asNBTString() got depricated
- Fix List's Iterator/ListIterator off-by-one Error! (First element got skipped!)
- ListIterator's previous() was wrong
- Added Updatecheck that will log during startup rather there is a newer/older version
- Also prints the package to identify outdated shaded api versions
- Added working toString to lists
- bStats was failing when loaded async
- NBTItem.convertNBTtoItem(comp) used the root of the Compound, not the actually given one!
- Added setItemStack and getItemStack methods to NBTCompounds as simple helper methods