Microservice that manages users, instructions, models, materials and images logic.
To build the application:
docker compose build
To run the application:
docker compose up
To stop the application:
docker compose down
After cloning the repo, you should run the following command in order to add the pre-commit hook to git:
pre-commit install
If you don't have pre-commit installed you can do it by running:
pip install pre-commit
Now, whenever you try making a commit, the pre-commit hook will run automatically before that. If every step passes, the commit will proceed as usual. If any of the pre-commit steps fails, the commit won't be executed.
In the case where the failure was just because there was a formatting problem that got fixed automatically during the pre-commit, you can try committing again and the commit should proceed as usual.
But if there was a step that required manual changes, you must fix them before being able to continue with the commit.
If you want to just execute the pre-commit steps, you can run the command:
pre-commit run --all-files