Landscape Unit Mapping Program for R
This project deals with an R-package called "lumpR". The package provides functions for a semi-automated approach of the delineation and description of landscape units and partition into terrain components. It can be used for the pre-processing of semi-distributed large-scale hydrological and erosion models using catena-representation (WASA-SED, CATFLOW). It is closely connected to and uses functionalities of GRASS GIS. Additional pre-processing tools beyond the scope of the original LUMP algorithm are included.
- command line installation:
Sys.setenv(R_REMOTES_NO_ERRORS_FROM_WARNINGS=TRUE) #tell git_install() to ignore warnings. Otherwise, it gets stuck at each warning
- from zip/tar:
- download zip/tar from github: >LINK<
- install via R-GUI
The main branch relies on GRASS7. The migration of the packaga to GRASS8 is underway, but not fully tested: []
Have a look at our wiki for more detailed information: >LINK<
Feel free to comment via github issues: >LINK<
lumpR is distributed under the GNU General Public License version 3 or later. The license is available in the file GPL-3
of lumpR's source directory or online: >LINK<
This package was also known as LUMP and has been renamed by Jan 9th 2017 to distinguish it from the LUMP algorithm published by Francke et al. (2008).
A paper describing lumpR along with an example study was published in GMD:
See also the accompanying github repository:
For the original LUMP algorithm see: