Zero config development Exlir development environment based on the lightweight Alpine Linux distribution to keep the image size managable. Your github username is used to find your public SSH key, after which you can log straight in without any configuration required. The idea is that you can easily edit the project on your laptop whilst compiling and running your code on a powerful server.
If running the docker image on a server replace localhost
with the corresponding hostname
This assumes that you've first added your public key to your GitHub profile (common).
docker run -p 22:22 alpine-elixir-rsync <your_github_username>
ssh default@localhost -p 2222
brew install fswatch
cd ~/<your>/<local_app_folder>
alias run_rsync='rsync -azP -e "ssh -p 2222" --exclude ".*/" --exclude ".*" --exclude "tmp/" . default@localhost:/opt/app'
run_rsync; fswatch -o . | while read f; do run_rsync; done
ssh default@localhost -p 2222
cd <your_app>
iex -S mix # etc...