This is a Varying Vagrant Vagrants Dashboard for the excellent Varying Vagrant Vagrants
Its purpose is to dynamically load host links to all sites created in the VVV www path along with a long list of additional tools. See Feature list below.
Clone this repo to your VVV/www/default/ directory and then copy dashboard-custom.php there:
cd www/default
git clone dashboard
cp dashboard/dashboard-custom.php .
While VVV is running (vagrant up
), the new dashboard is now viewable at your VVV root (usually vvv or
Update your repo via git pull
and then copy dashboard-custom.php to your default directory.
cd www/default/dashboard
git pull
cp dashboard-custom.php ..
- List hosts in VVV
- Debug On/Off for WP sites
- Show not installed if wp-config.php is missing
- Multisite detection and lists sub-sites under the parent host
- WP Version for each host
- Visit Site Link
- Visit Admin Link
- Profiler Link
- Backup Database (SQL Dump) host-timestamped name
- Debug Log viewer if debug log is found
- Delete log
- Drag and drop sorting, stored in a 30 day cookie
- Debug On/Off for WP sites
- Live/Fuzzy search host list
- List Plugins for each installed WordPress Site
- Plugin Name
- Status (inactive / active) highlighted
- Update (None / Available - Update Button)
- Version
- List Themes
- Theme Name
- Create Child Theme
- Status (inactive / active / parent) highlighted
- Update (None / Available - Update Button)
- Version
- Theme Name
- Backup List
- Host
- Date of backup
- Time of backup
- Live search
- Actions
- Save As (In case you want to save another copy somewhere else)
- Roll Back (Roll back to any existing version for the host)
- Delete (Allows you to selectively delete backups)
- Last 10 PHP Errors (with highlighting)
- Show Hide Sidebar
- Quick server info
- Command list
- Reference links
- Cache
- Theme list for each site
- Plugin list for each site
- Host list ( Speeds up loading greatly )
- VVV Dashboard version check
- Delete cache for Hosts, Themes or Plugins
- 24 hour cache for each system, separate TTL settings
- VVV Dashboard version check with notice
- All buttons are colored for separation
- Twitter Bootstrap theme
- Sass CSS
- Bower to manage JS
- xDebug check and notice to show if its on or off
- Debug Log viewer, if there is a debug.log show button by host and make the last 20 viewable
- WPStarter support
- .env check for .env type installs
- Custom setting for scan paths
- Custom setting for wp-content paths
- Migrations for databases. You can now migrate to a new domain.
You no longer need to copy the style.css anywhere.
There is now a cache system. If you don't see cache files on the first dashboard load, make sure dashboard/cache/ is writable (it should be).
There are bound keys for the search feature: the enter key and down arrow key search down the list, and the up arrow searches up.
There are some customizations that you can do to VVV Dashboard
- change settings in the
- create a custom.css and add custom CSS. This file is ignored when updating and autoloaded if exists.
Want the host list full view all the time with no scolling/overflow
create a VVV/www/default/dashboard/custom.css
file and add this
.sites {
max-height: 100%;
overflow-y: auto;
overflow-x: auto;
** More Screenshots**
New Buttons Quick Server Info Theme List Plugin List
** NOTE: ** This Dashboard project has no affiliation with Varying Vagrant Vagrants or any other components listed here.
03/14/17 version: 0.2.0
- Fixes #50 default path issues with the VVV 2.0
- Removed as per Varying-Vagrant-Vagrants/VVV#1096
- Removed @ error suppression someone put in the host list instead of proper isset() check
11/08/16 version: 0.1.9
- Fixes #49 PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() hosts-list2.php on line 80
- Added a host tools page with database tools for each site
- A good start on plugin blueprints
11/08/16 version: 0.1.8
- Make it possible to delete WP error logs
- Improve sidebar slide #44 props @josephfusco
- Update version check #46 props @gwelser
- Handle error opening stream #41 props @gwelser
- Fix first startup cache errors do to missing cache dir #39
05/24/16 version: 0.1.7
- Fixed host debug log empty #30
- Multisite detection and lists sub-sites under the parent host #32
05/24/16 version: 0.1.6
- Drag and drop sorting of the host list/table stored in a 30 day cookie #28
05/09/16 version: 0.1.5
- Lots of changes, refactoring both actions and hosts #17 #26 and #25
- New hosts objects allows separating different types of hosts and hopefully fixes all past issues related to hosts #25
- New commands/action objects handles all of the theme, plugins, backups, etc... #17 #26
- Added branch specific version check so if you are running a branch other than mater you will get a notice for updates in that branch.
- Folders in the {VVV}/www/ directory that start with a _ underscore are tracked and marked as archives in the dashboard so you can archive sites in a directory like _archives
- Live search in backups
12/12/15 version: 0.1.4
- Added WPStarter support by fixing some path issues
- Added .env check and handling functions
- Started some refactoring adding new classes that will support the system
- Added Backup List and Backup List button
- Host
- Date of backup
- Time of backup
- Actions
- Save As (In case you want to save another copy somewhere else)
- Roll Back (Roll back to any existing version for the host)
- Delete (Allows you to selectively delete backups)
- Added WordPress version to Host List
- Show not installed if wp-config.php is missing
- Custom setting for scan paths
- Custom setting for wp-content paths
- Create a child theme of any parent from themes list
- Deeper .env support but must follow the installers path
- Create a new theme under a host based on _s and activate it. It also includes the sass files.
- Migrations for databases. You can now migrate to a new domain.
12/01/15 version: 0.1.3
- Bumping version again to resolve cache issues
12/01/15 version: 0.1.2
- Added APP icons (favicon) for the dashboard
- Added WP Debug Log viewer last 20 logs
11/22/15 version: 0.1.1
- Bug fixes for path issues
11/22/15 version: 0.1.0
- Added DB Backups to the dashboard
11/20/15 version: 0.0.9
- Added version check for VVV Dashboard
- Version check notice if a new version is available
- Display the last 10 PHP errors
11/20/15 version: 0.0.8
- Added update capabilities for plugins and themes
- Add mailcatcher menu item props: @atimmer /pull/9
11/20/15 version: 0.0.7
- Added a scan depth setting
- Added purge forms for each of the cached systems
- Started cleaning up the index and moving HTML to views
- Added the ability for people to create custom.css to override our styles
- Added version constant to static files
11/19/2015 version: 0.0.6
- Added a simple Cache System to improve performance when collecting data
- Added get_plugins feature which will collect the plugins info from a selected installed site
- Added get_themes feature which will collect the themes info from a selected installed site
- Added quick server info to the sidebar
- Show/Hide sidebar
- Cookies for sidebar state (7 day cookie)
- Added some defined constants to the dashboard-custom.php (which means updating you need to replace the old)
- Added more screenshots
- Moved screenshots
- Updated Readme
5/18/2015 version: 0.0.5
- Added VV Command table
- Changed host list to responsive tables
- Changed host search to a live search
- created develop branch
5/16/2015 version: 0.0.4
- Refactored getHosts function to also check if WP_DEBUG is true in each host
- Added it to the host list.
- Added host count
- Updated Screenshot
- Made the main view port wider moving commands to the sidebar
- Support for none WordPress sites
- Update bower components
- Added jQuery
- Added Search Hosts feature
- Added max-height with automated scroll
- Updated install instruction and ReadMe
- Updated Screenshot
- Maybe some wiki docs since this is getting a little bigger
- Fuzzy search for plugins and themes ? not sure yet
- Refactor time, clean up some code and remove redundancy
- Dropdown Menu for tools but not Bootstrap it should be CSS only
- We need some form security added
- More settings for theme creation