“One can make all kinds of Lisps using simple household items. If one were so inclined.”
A tiny Lisp(ish) interpreter based on @orangeduck's excellent tutorial, with basic support for integers, strings, conditionals, user-defined vars and functions. No macros and TCO yet, but a man can dream...
Clone the repo and run:
$ make run
If all is well, you'll wind up in a simple REPL:
Hit Ctrl-D to exit.
To clean the build:
$ make clean
With formalities out of the way, let's take it for a spin.
The outermost sexpr allows parens to be omitted, so these are equivalent:
(+ 1 (* 2 3)) ; => 7
+ 1 (* 2 3) ; => 7
Quoted expressions are denoted by braces:
(+ 1 2 3) ; => 6
{+ 1 2 3} ; => {+ 1 2 3}
eval {+ 1 2 3} ; => 6
To load a source file:
load "hello.lsp"
To define and call a function:
-> {n} {* 2 n} ; => a lambda that doubles its arg
(-> {n} {* 2 n}) 5 ; => 10, calling it directly
def {dbl} (-> {n} {* 2 n}) ; => bind symbol to lambda
dbl 5 ; => 10
A utility library will be loaded by default, providing some common functionality. Let's check out some of that goodness.
Function definition reloaded, now with a friendlier syntax:
defn {dbl n} {* 2 n}
dbl 5 ; => 10
You can slice and dice...
def {array} (range -3 3)
nth 5 array ; => 2
apply + (but-last array) ; => -3
split 2 (reverse array) ; => {{3 2} {1 0 -1 -2 -3}}
filter and query...
all? num? array ; => 1 (true)
len (filter odd? array) ; => 4
drop-while neg? array ; => {0 1 2 3}
map and fold...
sum (map sqr array) ; => 28
zip array (map (-> {n} {abs (* 2 n)}) array)
; => {{-3 6} {-2 4} {-1 2} {0 0} {1 2} {2 4} {3 6}}
compose and partially apply functions...
(comp dec abs (apply -)) array ; => 5
defn {add n incr} {+ n incr}
def {++} (add 1)
++ 0 ; => 1
and so on.
Type the name of the function to get its definition printed:
first ; => (-> {l} {eval (head l)})
and make sure to check the prologue for more goodies.
Thanks for dropping by! o/