An unofficial SDK for the BC Enterprise Master Patient Index (EMPI). This project is not affiliated with the BC Ministry of Health.
This SDK provides a simple API for making queries against the BC EMPI. There are two types of query operations available:
- GetDemographics: Get patient demographics details for a patient given an identifier (MRN, PHN)
- FindCandidates: Find patients that match supplied demographic details such as name, birthdate, address, etc.
There are three example projects that exercise the SDK that you can explore:
- Web app (src/TestClient.Web/)
- Console app (src/TestClient.Console/)
- WinForms app (src/TestClient.WinForms/)
The ClientRegistry service will typically be used by defining a dependency on IClientRegistry, and then using that interface to call either GetDemographicsAsync or FindCandidatesAsync. To enable this, the service must be configured via the dependency injection provider.
public class QueryApp
IClientRegistry _service;
// ClientRegistry service injected via DI
public IndexModel(IClientRegistry service)
_service = service;
public List<Candidate> QueryByPhn(string phn)
// Make a GetDemographics call
var response = await _service.GetDemographicsAsync(new GetDemographicsParameters() {
Phn = query.Phn
// Return the list of candidates (0 or 1 candidates for GetDemographics)
return response.Candidates.ToList();
Configure from a configuration source
If configuration is specified in a config file, the following configuration can be used to configure it.
IHost host = Host.CreateDefaultBuilder(args)
.ConfigureServices((hostBuilder, services) =>
Configure inline
If you are not using configuration files, the service can be easily configured inline as in the example below.
IHost host = Host.CreateDefaultBuilder(args)
.ConfigureServices((hostBuilder, services) =>
services.AddClientRegistryService(config =>
config.ServiceUrls.QueryServices = new Uri(@"<empi-query-service-url>");
config.ClientCertificateSubjectName = "<client-certificate-subject-name-here>";
config.SendingOrgId = "<your-sending-org-id>";
config.SendingSystemId = "<your-sending-system-id>";
Below is an example of configuring the service using a WebApplication builder.
var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
If you don't have the ability to query EMPI, there is a predefined stub you can use. To use it call the AddClientRegistryServiceStub extension method instead of AddClientRegistryService to wire up the stub.
// Use the built-in stub if you don't have access to the EMPI API yet
// services.AddClientRegistryService(
// hostBuilder.Configuration.GetSection(ClientRegistrySettings.SectionName)
// );
This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License - see the LICENSE file for details