More information, please, check at
This project is aimed to have a system with users, clients, clockins and invoices. It will allow:
- register clients
- punch in work hours
- generate invoices and manage them
- express (for v1, running with server. The current version is a serverless function approach and do not need Express)
- nodemon
- body-parser
- mongoose
- bcrypt
- jsonwebtoken
- nodemailer
- react-bootstrap
- react-redux
p.s.1: the database used is MongoDB and its connections settings are based on nodemon.js file.
p.s.2: the nodemon.js file has the following variables.
"URI_DB" - which is the database path with password within it
"JWT_KEY" - the key used by JWT
"JWT_expiration" - JWT expiration time
p.s.3: the client side was executed using Postman.
# git clone .
# npm i
# npm start
- the current version is using serverless function, instead of running a server using Express. So, most likely the installation, specially back-end, will not work properly.
How to use:
Please, check at