An artisan command to check your code standards via pre-commit git hook
composer require avirdz/laravel-git-sniffer
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Avirdz\LaravelGitSniffer\GitSnifferServiceProvider" --tag=config
php artisan git-sniffer:copy
If you are working with other developers and you prefer each time that someone makes a clone and runs composer install, the hook is automatically copied, just add the copy command to the composer scripts, anyways it runs only on the defined environment, which by default is local.
"post-install-cmd": [
"...laravel commands..."
"php artisan git-sniffer:copy"
Key | Value | Description |
env | (string) default: local | The environment where the commands will be executed. |
phpcs_bin | (string) default: ./vendor/bin/phpcs | bin for Php_CodeSniffer, installed as a dependency. |
standard | (string) default: PSR2 | Code standard |
encoding | (string) default: utf-8 | The encoding of your source files |
extensions | (array) default: php | Valid php file extensions to check |
phpcs_ignore | (array) default: ./resources/views/* | Blade templates are ignored by default |
temp | (string) default: .tmp_staging | A temp directory where staged files will be copied |
eslint_bin | (string) | bin for ESLint |
eslint_config | (string) | Path to the eslintrc config file |
eslint_extensions | (array) default: js | Valid js file extensions to check |
eslint_ignore_path | (string) | Path to the .eslintignore file. |
Note: Eslint ignores all hidden files and directories by default, since there is a temp staging folder and by default is hidden, you need to add it to the eslintignore files at the first line.
If you leave eslint_bin config empty it will be ignored, the same for phpcs_bin, but you need to configure at least one of them.
I'ts the same script just translated to php to work with laravel command.