First, install docker-machine
and get a DigitalOcean account and access token.
Then, install mintnet
go get
To create machines on DigitalOcean:
mintnet create -- --driver=digitalocean --digitalocean-access-token=YOUR_ACCCESS_TOKEN
Or, to create machines on AWS:
mintnet create -- --driver=amazonec2 --amazonec2-access-key=AKI******* --amazonec2-secret-key=8T93C********* --amazonec2-zone=b --amazonec2-vpc-id=vpc-****** aws01`
By default this creates 4 new machines. Check the help messages for more info, e.g. mintnet create --help
Next, create the testnet configuration folders.
mintnet init mytest_dir/
This creates directories in mytest_dir
for the application.
ls mytest_dir/
app # Common configuration directory for your blockchain applicaiton
core # Common configuration directory for Tendermint Core
data # Common configuration directory for MerkleEyes key-value store
mach1 # Configuration directory for the Tendermint core daemon on machine 1
mach2 # Configuration directory for the Tendermint core daemon on machine 2
mach3 # Configuration directory for the Tendermint core daemon on machine 3
mach4 # Configuration directory for the Tendermint core daemon on machine 4
Now start the testnet service.
mintnet start mytest mytest_dir/
You can stop and remove the application as well.
mintnet rm --force mytest
Don't forget to destroy your createed machines!
mintnet destroy --machines="mach1,mach2,mach3,mach4"