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tomshlomo committed Mar 12, 2020
1 parent e0279ad commit 0b3b262
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Showing 2 changed files with 139 additions and 139 deletions.
122 changes: 61 additions & 61 deletions istft.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,62 +1,62 @@
function [x, k] = istft(S, window, hop, symFlag)
% Inverse Short Time Fourier Transform in the least squares sense.
% Given an STFT array S, this function finds x such that
% norm( S - stft(x, window, hop, size(S,1)) , 'fro' )
% is minimized.
% The algorithm is based on [1].
% The implementation is fully vectorized and supports multichannel signals.
% Inputs:
% S - STFT array, with frequency along rows and time across columns.
% If size(S,3) > 1, the ISTFT is performed independently on each layer.
% window - a vector containing the window function.
% hop - a positive integer describing the hop size.
% symFlag (optional) - frequency symmetry type, specified as 'nonsymmetric' (default) or 'symmetric'. Same as symFlag of MATLAB's built-in ifft.
% Set as 'symmetric' if x is expected to be real.
% Outputs:
% x - a time domain signal. For 3D S, the the i'th column of x if the ISTFT of S(:,:,i).
% k - a scalar describing the instability of the inverse transform. It depends only on the window and hop size.
% The minimum value is 1, which means the most stable.
% k=1 is achived for windows and hop sizes whos square value satisfy the COLA (Constant Overlap Add) condition.
% [1] Griffin, Daniel, and Jae Lim. "Signal estimation from modified short-time Fourier transform." IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing 32.2 (1984): 236-243.
% Written by Tom Shlomo, 2019
%% defauls
if nargin<4
symFlag = 'nonsymmetric';

%% Name some dimensions
N = size(S,2);
L = length(window);
Q = size(S,3);
T = L + hop*(N-1);

%% IFFT to obtain segemnts
y = ifft(S, [], 1, symFlag);
y(L+1:end,:,:) = []; % this is for case where NFFT is larger than the window's length

%% Weighted overlap add
y = y.*window(:); % apply weights
I = (1:L)' + hop*(0:N-1) + reshape( (0:Q-1)*T, 1, 1, [] ); % calculate subs for accumarray
x = reshape( accumarray(I(:), y(:)), [], Q ); % overlap-add

%% Least-squares correction
L2 = ceil(L/hop)*hop;
window(end+1:L2) = 0; % zero pad window to be an integer multiple of hop
J = mod( (1:hop:L2)' + (0:hop-1) -1, L2 ) + 1;
denom = sum(window(J).^2, 1)';
if nargout==2
k = max(denom)/min(denom);
denom = repmat(denom, ceil(T/hop), 1);
denom(T+1:end) = [];
x = x./denom;

%% delete the first L-1 rows of x
x(1:L-1, :) = [];

function [x, k] = istft(S, window, hop, symFlag)
% Inverse Short Time Fourier Transform in the least squares sense.
% Given an STFT array S, this function finds x such that
% norm( S - stft(x, window, hop, size(S,1)) , 'fro' )
% is minimized.
% The algorithm is based on [1].
% The implementation is fully vectorized and supports multichannel signals.
% Inputs:
% S - STFT array, with frequency along rows and time across columns.
% If size(S,3) > 1, the ISTFT is performed independently on each layer.
% window - a vector containing the window function.
% hop - a positive integer describing the hop size.
% symFlag (optional) - frequency symmetry type, specified as 'nonsymmetric' (default) or 'symmetric'. Same as symFlag of MATLAB's built-in ifft.
% Set as 'symmetric' if x is expected to be real.
% Outputs:
% x - a time domain signal. For 3D S, the the i'th column of x if the ISTFT of S(:,:,i).
% k - a scalar describing the instability of the inverse transform. It depends only on the window and hop size.
% The minimum value is 1, which means the most stable.
% k=1 is achived for windows whos square value satisfy the COLA (Constant Overlap Add) condition.
% [1] Griffin, Daniel, and Jae Lim. "Signal estimation from modified short-time Fourier transform." IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing 32.2 (1984): 236-243.
% Written by Tom Shlomo, 2019
%% defauls
if nargin<4
symFlag = 'nonsymmetric';

%% Name some dimensions
N = size(S,2);
L = length(window);
Q = size(S,3);
T = L + hop*(N-1);

%% IFFT to obtain segemnts
y = ifft(S, [], 1, symFlag);
y(L+1:end,:,:) = []; % this is for case where NFFT is larger than the window's length

%% Weighted overlap add
y = y.*window(:); % apply weights
I = (1:L)' + hop*(0:N-1) + reshape( (0:Q-1)*T, 1, 1, [] ); % calculate subs for accumarray
x = reshape( accumarray(I(:), y(:)), [], Q ); % overlap-add

%% Least-squares correction
L2 = ceil(L/hop)*hop;
window(end+1:L2) = 0; % zero pad window to be an integer multiple of hop
J = mod( (1:hop:L2)' + (0:hop-1) -1, L2 ) + 1;
denom = sum(window(J).^2, 1)';
if nargout==2
k = max(denom)/min(denom);
denom = repmat(denom, ceil(T/hop), 1);
denom(T+1:end) = [];
x = x./denom;

%% delete the first L-1 rows of x
x(1:L-1, :) = [];

156 changes: 78 additions & 78 deletions stft.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,79 +1,79 @@
function [S, f, t] = stft(x, window, hop, NFFT, fs)
% Short Time Fourier Transform of the signal x.
% The implementation is fully vectorized and supports multichannel signals.
% Inputs:
% x The time domain signal. must be either a column vector or a 2D array.
% If x is a 2D array, the STFT is calculated for each column independently.
% window A vector containing the window function.
% Default value is hann(128,'periodic').
% hop hop size
% NFFT Number of DFT points.
% Default value is 2^nextpow2(length(window))
% fs Sample frequency. Doesn't affect S, only f and t.
% Default value is 1.
% Outputs:
% S STFT array, with frequency across rows, and time across columns.
% If x has multiple columms, than S(:,:,i) is the STFT of x(:,i).
% f Frequency vector. Same unit as fs.
% t Time vector (starting from 0). Same units as 1/fs.
% Please note that unlike MATLAB's builtin function spectrogram, this
% implementation of the STFT is causal. For example, if hop=1, then S(:,i) corresponds to a
% segment of x whos *last* index is i. More precisely:
% S(:,i,j) = fft(x(i-L+1:i,j).*window, NFFT)
% Where L = length(window), and x is zeropadded where neccessary.
% This defnition has several advantages over the more standard, anti-causal one.
% First, the inverse transform is more stable near the begining of the signal.
% Second, each frequency of the STFT can be regarded as the (resampled)
% output of an FRI filter.
% Written by Tom Shlomo, 2019

%% default values
if nargin<2 || isempty(window)
window = hann(128,'periodic');
windowLen = length(window);

if nargin<3 || isempty(hop)
hop = max(1, round(windowLen/4));

if nargin<4 || isempty(NFFT)
NFFT = 2^nextpow2(windowLen);

if nargin<5 || isempty(fs)
fs = 1;

%% Padd with zeros from the left (for causality)
x = [zeros(windowLen-1,size(x,2)); x];

%% partition x to data segments
n = size(x,1);
I = 1:hop:n;
m = (0:windowLen-1)';
I = I+m;
x(end+1:I(end), :)=0;
I = I + reshape( (0:size(x,2)-1)*size(x,1) , 1, 1, [] );
x = x(I);

%% apply window function
x = x.*window(:);

%% FFT each segment
S = fft(x, NFFT, 1);

%% calculate frequency and time vectors
if nargout>=2
f = (0:NFFT-1)'/NFFT * fs;
if nargout>=3
t = (0:size(S,2)-1)'*hop/fs;

function [S, f, t] = stft(x, window, hop, NFFT, fs)
% Short Time Fourier Transform of the signal x.
% The implementation is fully vectorized and supports multichannel signals.
% Inputs:
% x The time domain signal. must be either a column vector or a 2D array.
% If x is a 2D array, the STFT is calculated for each column independently.
% window A vector containing the window function.
% Default value is hann(128,'periodic').
% hop hop size
% NFFT Number of DFT points.
% Default value is 2^nextpow2(length(window))
% fs Sample frequency. Doesn't affect S, only f and t.
% Default value is 1.
% Outputs:
% S STFT array, with frequency across rows, and time across columns.
% If x has multiple columms, than S(:,:,i) is the STFT of x(:,i).
% f Frequency vector. Same unit as fs.
% t Time vector (starting from 0). Same units as 1/fs.
% Please note that unlike MATLAB's builtin function spectrogram, this
% implementation of the STFT is causal. For example, if hop=1, then S(:,i) corresponds to a
% segment of x whos *last* index is i. More precisely:
% S(:,i,j) = fft(x(i-L+1:i,j).*window, NFFT)
% Where L = length(window), and x is zeropadded where neccessary.
% This defnition has several advantages over the more standard, anti-causal one.
% First, the inverse transform is more stable near the begining of the signal.
% Second, each frequency of the STFT can be regarded as the (resampled)
% output of an FIR filter.
% Written by Tom Shlomo, 2019

%% default values
if nargin<2 || isempty(window)
window = hann(128,'periodic');
windowLen = length(window);

if nargin<3 || isempty(hop)
hop = max(1, round(windowLen/4));

if nargin<4 || isempty(NFFT)
NFFT = 2^nextpow2(windowLen);

if nargin<5 || isempty(fs)
fs = 1;

%% Padd with zeros from the left (for causality)
x = [zeros(windowLen-1,size(x,2)); x];

%% partition x to data segments
n = size(x,1);
I = 1:hop:n;
m = (0:windowLen-1)';
I = I+m;
x(end+1:I(end), :)=0;
I = I + reshape( (0:size(x,2)-1)*size(x,1) , 1, 1, [] );
x = x(I);

%% apply window function
x = x.*window(:);

%% FFT each segment
S = fft(x, NFFT, 1);

%% calculate frequency and time vectors
if nargout>=2
f = (0:NFFT-1)'/NFFT * fs;
if nargout>=3
t = (0:size(S,2)-1)'*hop/fs;


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