The orginal can be found here
This poc should be be and running with following small steps.
- git clone this project
- add /src/main/resources/myKeystores/thekeystore to your java cacert
- go to
keytool -import -alias oauthtestclient -keystore cacerts -file thekeystore
- password is 'changeit' without '
- go to
./ run
./ run
- https://localhost:8443/cas/oidc/authorize?response_type=code&client_id=client-test-openid&redirect_uri=
- login with 'tom'-'mot'
- --> will result in
- https://localhost:8443/cas/oidc/authorize?response_type=token&client_id=client-test-openid&redirect_uri=
- login with 'tom'-'mot'
- --> will return
- copy this token(
) in following url https://localhost:8443/cas/oidc/profile?access_token=<token_from_result_url_above>- -> will return something like:
{ "sub" : "tom", "auth_time" : 1482760969 }
- -> will return something like:
- for more possibilities see:
History, what did I change in comparison with
- git clone cas-overlay-template-5.0-openid-connect
- cd cas-overlay-template-5.0-openid-connect/
./ help
./ package
- create Keystore
keytool -keystore thekeystore -genkey -alias oauthtestclient -keyalg RSA
- create the folder for example
(or put directly for testing in the project in the resources folder) and put the keystore in it
- Copying ( this can also be doen by overriding the properties with, for more info see cas docs.)
- Copy
- add cas.server.prefix=https://localhost:8443/cas
- change
--> it can't find thekeystore if it is copied to/etc/cas on windows (think about replacing casuser:Mellon at the end of the file, by your own user tom - mot)
- Copy
- Test basic set up
./ run
- => Test if you can login with tom - mot
- Making sure localhost self-signed cert authorize callback works:
- When working locally with self-signed cert make sure it cert is present in your java keystore cacert (same as cert created above)
- go to
keytool -import -alias oauthtestclient -keystore cacerts -file localhost.crt
- pass changeit
- => This is needed later on when cas is calling itself for auth2.0 authorize callback
- Adding openId connect :(follow
- Add following dep to pom.xml:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apereo.cas</groupId> <artifactId>cas-server-support-oidc</artifactId> <version>${cas.version}</version> <scope>runtime</scope> </dependency>
Add following keys to needed)cas.authn.oidc.issuer=https://localhost:8080/cas/oidc cas.authn.oidc.skew=5 cas.authn.oidc.jwksFile=file:<path to jwks file> (see below)
- Add following dep to pom.xml:
- Adding Json service registry to be able to use services as json
- Add following dep to pom.xml:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apereo.cas</groupId> <artifactId>cas-server-support-json-service-registry</artifactId> <version>${cas.version}</version> </dependency>
- set the correct path to your service folder in cas.serviceRegistry.config.location:
- create the folder for example
(or put directly for testing in the project in the resources folder)- When put in resources the logging will mention
2016-12-27 09:53:22,534 WARN [org.apereo.cas.config.JsonServiceRegistryConfiguration] - <The location of service definitions class path resource [myServices] is on the classpath. It is recommended that the location of service definitions be externalized to allow for easier modifications and better sharing of the configuration.>
- When put in resources the logging will mention
- create a new 'service' in that folder googleBe-10025.json (-.json)
- content of file is:
{ "@class" : "", "clientId": "client-test-openid", "clientSecret": "secret", "serviceId" : "", "signIdToken": false, "name": "OIDC", "id": 10025, "evaluationOrder": 103 }
- content of file is:
- Add following dep to pom.xml:
create jwks keystore on with keyId "cas" leave 'key use' empty
* create a file with following content
(not needed)json { "alg": "RS256", "d": "JUqy4ioHcHnmfcjx4SRg5Zq6YH8ZQk9ZuwcPO2zAZW9AT9Ik30XWUz9H2UDD-YYGe8n6HNuZ78RzBzhFrW6zaLqRWHpOMFqAd_uREY8ldyqFjR0edaqd-9VC0JhRU7eiFDoLimEuxulCHeCotuOaVUkzv9DFVqMtZeDsGg_ltK3QOZCvBocaipfNdoJtMQ8omUAx-cGoZzD3e8EPVhRS2BXYin5-dQMg66Pi2OtFusvCr3UTvpcksfqJPRaiw7XAUCOgseJTcYSU7DMdyZ1x0bKbAGfXMleVc1NWxvgo-Uj0nTwwnAhEuGJ_OQ75ePL5j6qEJSIggMk5kyQQwa0AAQ", "e": "AQAB", "n": "puqjPsiIsseCP_s9DjOUDcVS001GWFbuUBceSmlR98-0c_8aWwiqPiGNqg9EeOJP9-U_ckUlOtKgJa7j4XHV0Zjhhrmn_1AOT3KbsmABOrX8SXqx5TvBB9rFQFxZTwJfz0HFQuf_TWJz3lbn1EuxIMG9gkO30N9OPd0i_DBAa8TkrmeN-mOBUS5ZUDejJ2nrmrpn80JBazDdj4TastKjbodbgEcShgsk0GK_kd3pRCM-oU0hfr5uyfT3V0ENAFtPorteYTK-bVTtrRYKe6B7bBdcsyjCS0s9QZCYXpzbNWBfJdRD2tdKLgPoq4WtaGcZIj6tX1up1tu767XnsBOg3Q", "kty": "RSA", "kid": "cas" }