ccodoc(鹿威し)simulated(造)in your terminal(庭)
Render ccodoc alone. (default)
Unsatisfied does not always mean not-satisfied. Absent does not always mean not-present.
It is just what it is.(侘び)
--sabi HH:mm
Render ccodoc with the timer set for this duration.
Impermanent does not always mean not-permanent. Behind does not always mean not-ahead.
It will be just what it will be.(寂び)
Remove all ornaments.
Neither color nor sound is needed as they already lie within you.(悟り)
: to play sounds
: to play soundslibncursesw.dylib
: to draw multibyte characters with attributes
things unless otherwise stated
- assets/sound/tsutsu_drip.mp3
NHKクリエイティブ・ライブラリー by NHK
- assets/sound/tsutsu_bump.mp3
- assets/sound/uguisu_call.mp3