wren language binding for raylib.
I love wren language, it is very handy for working on many kinds of projects.
- Full Raylib API bindings for wren.
- Full Raygui API binding for wren.
- Basic json.hpp bindign for wren.
- Serial API binding for wren.
- File API binding for wren.
- vinput(virtual input enumerating on linux) API binding for wren. (My works on arm/aarch linux device input enumerating for auto test)
- supported languages by default(codepoints)
- english
- 日语
- 韩语
- 中文简体
- emoji
- cico/engine
- sg2d(working on progress)
- layout
- row
- column
- flow
- controls
- button
- checkbox
- combobox
- fpslabel
- group
- inconbutton
- label
- listmodel
- listview (very slow)
- menubar
- popup
- progressbar (todo)
- scrollbar (todo)
- scrollview
- slider
- spinbox
- splitview(todo)
- stackview(todo)
- statusbar(todo)
- style
- swipeview
- switch
- tabbar
- tabview(todo)
- textfield
- textinput(todo)
- toolbar(todo)
- treeview(todo)
- icon
- sprite
- scenegraph2d
- rectangle
- layout
- sg3d(working on progress)
- math
- app
- signalslot
- timer
- tween
- sg2d(working on progress)
- cico/utils
- serializer
import "cico.raylib" for Raylib
Raylib.InitWindow(800, 450, "raylib [core] example - basic window")
while(!Raylib.WindowShouldClose()) {
Raylib.DrawText("Congrats! You created your first window!", 190, 200, 20, Raylib.LIGHTGRAY)
import "cico/engine/app" for App
import "cico.raylib" for Raylib,Color
import "cico/engine/sg2d/window" for SgWindow
import "cico/engine/sg2d/rectangle" for SgRectangle
class cico {
static init() {
// cico engine initialize
// create cico app
__app = App.new()
// create a window
__mainWIndow = SgWindow.new("Engine test")
// create a rectangle, an define it's shape with dict(wren Map)
var rectangle = SgRectangle.new(__mainWIndow, {
"width": 100,
"height": 100,
"x": 300,
"y": 200,
"color": Color.fromString("#33aaff")
static eventLoop() {
// cico engine loop
var windowClosed = Raylib.WindowShouldClose()
return windowClosed ? 1 : 0
static exit() {
// cico engine exit
you can run dist/example/gui/cico_engine_test.wren in the project
cd dist
./cico_app.exe example/gui/cico_engine_test.wren
node editor
cico gui
cico project/wgc