is an express application that implements an efficient search functionality using inverted index. Rather than map a document object to an array of the terms it contains, inverted index maps a term to an array of the documents that contains it.- It has the following features;
- Allow users to create index from a JSON array of document objects
- Allow users to search index for terms
You can check out the online version at
exposes two endpoints- api/v0/create - takes file name and file content and returns an index
- file name is a string which represents the name of the file e.g
- file content is content of the file
- To be a valid payload (an example is shown below):
- the file content should be a valid JSON array of document objects
- the JSON array must not be empty
- the document objects must have title and text properties
- the title and text properties should be non-empty strings
- file name is a string which represents the name of the file e.g
"title": "How to Read a book",
"text": "Men are rational animals. Their rationality agreement is the source of their power to agree. "
"title": "The Naked Ape.",
"text": "Indeed, we have the most subtle and complex facial expression system of all living animals."
"title": "To Read",
"text": "we use the visual system"
An example of a valid JSON payload to the endpoint will be:
"fileName": "validFile.json",
"fileContent": [
"title": "How to Read a book",
"text": "Men are rational animals. Their rationality agreement is the source of their power to agree. "
"title": "The Naked Ape.",
"text": "Indeed, we have the most subtle and complex facial expression system of all living animals."
"title": "To Read",
"text": "we use the visual system"
It will give a response with a body similar to the sample below
"validFile.json": {
"men": [
"are": [
"rational": [
"animals": [
"their": [
"rationality": [
"agreement": [
"is": [
"the": [
"source": [
"of": [
"power": [
"to": [
"agree": [
"indeed": [
"we": [
"have": [
"most": [
"subtle": [
"and": [
"complex": [
"facial": [
"expression": [
"system": [
"all": [
"living": [
"use": [
"visual": [
api/v0/search - takes the created index, a file name and search terms and returns results for the terms
- index must be a valid index returned as response from the
route index is a collection of all file indexes, it may contain more than one indexed file i.e{file1: index, file2: index ...}
- file name should be the name of an indexed file; when defined, the terms are looked up only in the file's index; when undefined, the terms are looked up in indexes of all files
- search terms is a comma separated string of words to look up in index. search terms cannot be empty or undefined.
An example of a valid JSON payload to the endpoint will be:
{ "index": { "anotherValidFile.json": { "27": [ 3 ], "2045": [ 3 ], "haw": [ 0 ], "knew": [ 0 ], "they": [ 0 ], "were": [ 0 ], "losing": [ 0 ], "their": [ 0 ], "edge": [ 0, 1, 2 ], "zero": [ 1 ], "is": [ 1, 3 ], "where": [ 1 ], "you": [ 1, 2 ], "have": [ 1 ], "nothing": [ 1 ], "more": [ 1 ], "to": [ 1 ], "loose": [ 1 ], "it": [ 1 ], "s": [ 1 ], "the": [ 1 ], "people": [ 1 ], "go": [ 1 ], "either": [ 1 ], "fall": [ 1 ], "and": [ 1 ], "die": [ 1 ], "or": [ 1 ], "learn": [ 1 ], "fly": [ 1, 2 ], "science": [ 2 ], "can": [ 2 ], "make": [ 2 ], "with": [ 2 ], "an": [ 2 ], "today": [ 3 ], "01": [ 3 ], "tomorrow": [ 3 ], "will": [ 3 ], "never": [ 3 ], "come": [ 3 ] }, "validFile.json": { "men": [ 0 ], "are": [ 0 ], "rational": [ 0 ], "animals": [ 0, 1 ], "their": [ 0 ], "rationality": [ 0 ], "agreement": [ 0 ], "is": [ 0 ], "the": [ 0, 1, 2 ], "source": [ 0 ], "of": [ 0, 1 ], "power": [ 0 ], "to": [ 0 ], "agree": [ 0 ], "indeed": [ 1 ], "we": [ 1, 2 ], "have": [ 1 ], "most": [ 1 ], "subtle": [ 1 ], "and": [ 1 ], "complex": [ 1 ], "facial": [ 1 ], "expression": [ 1 ], "system": [ 1, 2 ], "all": [ 1 ], "living": [ 1 ], "use": [ 2 ], "visual": [ 2 ] } }, "fileName: "anotherValidFile.json", "terms": "the, animals, edge, me" }
It will give a response with a body similar to the sample below:
{ "anotherValidFile.json" : { "the": [ 1 ], "fly": [ 1, 2 ], "edge": [ 0, 1, 2 ], "me": [] } }
- If file name is not given, the returned object will also contain results for other files; in this case validFile.json
- To search for simultaneous occurence of two or more words in document objects, separate words with space. e.g 'to go, will be, there is the' will return return results for 'to go', 'will be' and 'there is the'
- index must be a valid index returned as response from the
- Node.js - Node.js® is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine
- Express - Express is a minimal and flexible Node.js web application framework that provides a robust set of features for web and mobile applications.
- body-parser - Node.js body parsing middleware.
- dotenv - Dotenv is a zero-dependency module that loads environment variables from a .env file into process.env
- Babel - Babel is a JavaScript compiler.
- Supertest - provide a high-level abstraction for testing HTTP
- eslint - A fully pluggable tool for identifying and reporting on patterns in JavaScript.
- gulp - gulp is a toolkit that helps you automate painful or time-consuming tasks in your development workflow.
- Gulp plugins include;
You can use the online version at
- Install Node.js
- Install gulp-cli globally using
npm install -g gulp-cli
- Navigate to a directory of choice on
. - Clone this repository on that directory.
- Using SSH;
>`git clone [email protected]:tomipaul/inverted-index-api.git`
- Using HTTP;
- Navigate to the repo's folder on your computer
cd inverted-index-api/
- Install other dependencies using
npm install
- Using the .env.example, create a .env file. Set the NODE_ENV to PROD, TEST or DEV and set the ports
- Run the application using
gulp serve
- Running the command above will produce output that's similar to the sample below.
[02:51:55] Requiring external module babel-register
[02:51:59] Using gulpfile ~\Documents\Andela\Andela21\inverted-index-api\gulpfile.babel.js
[02:51:59] Starting 'babelifySrcFiles'...
[02:52:01] Finished 'babelifySrcFiles' after 1.76 s
[02:52:01] Starting 'serve'...
[02:52:03] Finished 'serve' after 2.33 s
[02:52:03] [nodemon] 1.11.0
[02:52:03] [nodemon] to restart at any time, enter `rs`
[02:52:03] [nodemon] watching: *.*
[02:52:03] [nodemon] starting `node dist/app.js`
App listening on 3000
- The tests have been written using Jasmine framework and assertion library
- Run the test with
gulp run-tests
- Running the above command will run the tests and write a coverage report using istanbul
- If the tests are successful, they will complete without failures or errors.
Finished in 0.529 seconds
37 tests, 88 assertions, 0 failures, 0 skipped
This will be followed by the coverage report in tabular format
--------------------|----------|----------|----------|----------|----------------| File | % Stmts | % Branch | % Funcs | % Lines |Uncovered Lines | --------------------|----------|----------|----------|----------|----------------| src\ | 96.08 | 89.71 | 96 | 96.04 | | app.js | 85 | 33.33 | 66.67 | 85 | 8,12,21 | inverted-index.js | 98.46 | 94.64 | 100 | 98.44 | 55 | routes.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | | --------------------|----------|----------|----------|----------|----------------| All files | 96.08 | 89.71 | 96 | 96.04 | | --------------------|----------|----------|----------|----------|----------------| =============================== Coverage summary =============================== Statements : 96.08% ( 98/102 ) Branches : 89.71% ( 61/68 ) Functions : 96% ( 24/25 ) Lines : 96.04% ( 97/101 ) ================================================================================
- It accepts only JSON files with valid JSON array
- Fork this repositry.
- Clone to you local environment: git clone [email protected]:your-username/inverted-index.git
- Create a branch on a feature you want to work on: git checkout -b proposed-feature
- Commit your changes: git commit -m "new stuff added"
- Push to the remote branch: git push origin proposed-feature
- Open a pull request on here