Julia type that implements a drop-in wrapper for AbstractArray
type, providing named indices and dimensions.
We would want to have the possibility to give each row/column/... in an Array names, as well as the array dimensions themselves. This could be used for pretty-printing, indexing, and perhaps even some sort of dimension-checking in certain matrix computations.
In all other respects, a NamedArray
should behave the same as the underlying AbstractArray
A NamedArray
should adhere to the interface definition of an AbstractArray
itself, if there are cases where this is not true, these should be considered bugs in the implementation of NamedArrays
using NamedArrays
n = NamedArray(rand(2,4))
@show n;
n = 2×4 Named Array{Float64,2}
A ╲ B │ 1 2 3 4
1 │ 0.833541 0.409606 0.203789 0.724494
2 │ 0.458244 0.908721 0.808201 0.0580882
setnames!(n, ["one", "two"], 1) # give the names "one" and "two" to the rows (dimension 1)
n["one", 2:3]
n["two", :] = 11:14
n[Not("two"), :] = 4:7 # all rows but the one called "two"
@show n;
n = 2×4 Named Array{Float64,2}
A ╲ B │ 1 2 3 4
one │ 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0
two │ 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0
@show sum(n, dims=1);
sum(n, dims=1) = 1×4 Named Array{Float64,2}
A ╲ B │ 1 2 3 4
sum(A) │ 15.0 17.0 19.0 21.0
# NamedArray(a::Array)
n = NamedArray([1 2; 3 4])
# NamedArray{T}(dims...)
n = NamedArray{Int}(2, 2)
These constructors add default names to the array of type String, "1"
, ... for each dimension, and names the dimensions :A
, :B
... (which will be all right for 26 dimensions to start with; 26
dimensions should be enough for anyone:-). The former initializes
the NamedArray with the Array a
, the latter makes an uninitialized
NamedArray of element type T
with the specified dimensions dims...
The key-lookup for names is implemented by using DataStructures.OrderedDict
s for each dimension. At a lower level, you can construct NamedArrays
this way:
using DataStructures
n = NamedArray([1 3; 2 4], ( OrderedDict("A"=>1, "B"=>2), OrderedDict("C"=>1, "D"=>2) ),
("Rows", "Cols"))
@show n;
n = 2×2 Named Array{Int64,2}
Rows ╲ Cols │ C D
A │ 1 3
B │ 2 4
This is the basic constructor for a namedarray. The second argument names
must be a tuple of OrderedDict
s whose range (the values) are exacly covering the range 1:size(a,dim)
for each dimension. The keys in the various dictionaries may be of mixed types, but after construction, the type of the names cannot be altered. The third argument dimnames
is a tuple of the names of the dimensions themselves, and these names may be of any type.
# NamedArray{T,N}(a::AbstractArray{T,N}, names::NTuple{N,Vector}, dimnames::NTuple{N})
n = NamedArray([1 3; 2 4], ( ["a", "b"], ["c", "d"] ), ("Rows", "Cols"))
# NamedArray{T,N}(a::AbstractArray{T,N}, names::NTuple{N,Vector})
n = NamedArray([1 3; 2 4], ( ["a", "b"], ["c", "d"] ))
n = NamedArray([1, 2], ( ["a", "b"], )) # note the comma after ["a", "b"] to ensure evaluation as tuple
This is a more friendly version of the basic constructor, where the range of the dictionaries is automatically assigned the values 1:size(a, dim)
for the names
in order. If dimnames
is not specified, the default values will be used (:A
, :B
, etc.).
In principle, there is no limit imposed to the type of the names
used, but we discourage the use of Real
, AbstractArray
and Range
, because they have a special interpretation in getindex()
and setindex
Single and multiple integer indices work as for the undelying array:
n[1, 1]
Because the constructed NamedArray
itself is an AbstractArray
, integer indices always have precedence:
a = rand(2, 4)
dodgy = NamedArray(a, ([2, 1], [10, 20, 30, 40]))
dodgy[1, 1] == a[1, 1] ## true
dodgy[1, 10] ## BoundsError
In some cases, e.g., with contingency tables, it would be very handy to be able to use named Integer indices. In this case, in order to circumvent the normal AbstractArray
interpretation of the index, you can wrap the indexing argument in the type Name()
dodgy[Name(1), Name(30)] == a[2, 3] ## true
n = NamedArray([1 2 3; 4 5 6], (["one", "two"], [:a, :b, :c]))
@show n;
n = 2×3 Named Array{Int64,2}
A ╲ B │ :a :b :c
one │ 1 2 3
two │ 4 5 6
n["one", :a] == 1 ## true
n[:, :b] == [2, 5] ## true
n["two", [1, 3]] == [4, 6] ## true
n["one", [:a, :b]] == [1, 2] ## true
This is the main use of NamedArrays
. Names (keys) and arrays of names can be specified as an index, and these can be mixed with other forms of indexing.
The example above just shows how the indexing works for the values, but there is a slight subtlety in how the return type of slices is determined
When a single element is selected by an index expression, a scalar value is returned. When an array slice is selected, an attempt is made to return a NamedArray with the correct names for the dimensions.
@show n[:, :b]; ## this expression drops the singleton dimensions, and hence the names
n[:, :b] = 2-element Named Array{Int64,1}
A │
one │ 2
two │ 5
@show n[["one"], [:a]]; ## this expression keeps the names
n[["one"], [:a]] = 1×1 Named Array{Int64,2}
A ╲ B │ :a
one │ 1
There is a special type constructor Not()
, whose function is to specify which elements to exclude from the array. This is similar to negative indices in the language R. The elements in Not(elements...)
select all but the indicated elements from the array.
n[Not(1), :] == n[[2], :] ## true, note that `n` stays 2-dimensional
n[2, Not(:a)] == n[2, [:b, :c]] ## true
dodgy[1, Not(Name(30))] == dodgy[1, [1, 2, 4]] ## true
Both integers and names can be negated.
You can also use a dictionary-style indexing, if you don't want to bother about the order of the dimensions, or make a slice using a specific named dimension:
n[:A => "one"] == [1, 2, 3]
n[:B => :c, :A => "two"] == 6
This style cannot be mixed with other indexing styles, yet.
Most index types can be used for assignment as LHS
n[1, 1] = 0
n["one", :b] = 1
n[:, :c] = 101:102
n[:B=>:b, :A=>"two"] = 50
@show(n) # ==>
n = 2×3 Named Array{Int64,2}
A ╲ B │ :a :b :c
one │ 0 1 101
two │ 4 50 102
names(n::NamedArray) ## get all index names for all dimensions
names(n::NamedArray, dim::Integer) ## just for dimension `dim`
dimnames(n::NamedArray) ## the names of the dimensions
@show names(n);
names(n) = Array{T,1} where T[["one", "two"], Symbol[:a, :b, :c]]
@show names(n, 1)
names(n, 1) = ["one", "two"]
2-element Array{String,1}:
@show dimnames(n);
dimnames(n) = Symbol[:A, :B]
Because the type of the keys are encoded in the type of the NamedArray
, you can only change the names of indices if they have the same type as before.
setnames!(n::NamedArray, names::Vector, dim::Integer)
setnames!(n::NamedArray, name, dim::Int, index:Integer)
setdimnames!(n::NamedArray, name, dim:Integer)
sets all the names of dimension dim
, or only the name at index index
, or the name of the dimension dim
Similar to the iterator enumerate
this package provides an enamerate
function for iterating simultaneously over both names and values.
Example below:
n = NamedArray([1 2 3; 4 5 6], (["one", "two"], [:a, :b, :c]))
for (name,val) in enamerate(n)
println("$name == $val")
("one", :a) == 1
("two", :a) == 4
("one", :b) == 2
("two", :b) == 5
("one", :c) == 3
("two", :c) == 6
returns a copy of all the elements in a, and copies of the names, and returns a NamedArray
convert(::Type{Array}, a::NamedArray)
converts a NamedArray to an Array by dropping all name information. You can also directly access the underlying array using n.array
, or use the accessor function array(n)
concatenates (column) vectors to an array. If the names are identical for all vectors, these are retained in the results. Otherwise the names are reinitialized to the default "1", "2", ...
' ## transpose post-fix operator '
operate on the dimnames as well
operate on the names of the rows as well
These functions keep the names of the first argument
These functions, when operating along one dimension, keep the names in the other dimensions, and name the left over singleton dimension as $function($dimname)
The current goal is to reduce complexity of the implementation. Where possible, we want to use more of the Base.AbstractArray
A longer term goal is to improve type stability, this might have a repercussion to the semantics of some operations.
The Julia ecosystem now has a number of packages implementing the general idea of attaching names to arrays. For some purposes they may be interchangeable. For others, flexibility or speed or support for particular functions may make one preferable.
AxisArrays.jl is of comparable age. It attaches a Symbol to each dimension; this is part of the type thus cannot be mutated after creation.
DimensionalData.jl, AxisKeys.jl and AxisIndices.jl are, to first approximation, post-Julia 1.0 re-writes of that. DimensionalData.jl similarly builds in dimension names, in AxisKeys.jl they are provided by composition with NamedDims.jl, and AxisIndices.jl does not support them. All allow some form of named indexing but the notation varies.
Packages with some overlap but a different focus include:
NamedDims.jl only attaches a name to each dimension, allowing
sum(A, dims = :time)
but keeping indices the usual integers. -
LabelledArrays.jl instead attaches names to individual elements, allowing
A.second == A[2]
. -
OffsetArrays.jl shifts the indices of an array, allowing say
to be the first & last elements.